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Do Days matter or only Game Stages?


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30 minutes ago, IDNeon said:

It seems in the past days did matter. But now is difficulty only a matter of Game Stage?

Is Game Stage dependent on the number of days, or number of completed horde nights?

Only the gamestage matters but it is calculated based on the days survived and your level. 

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RipClaw is right. Days alive is part of the gamestage formula, so in that sense, days do matter. Number of hordes done also matters, but only insofar as hordes are good sources of XP and level is the other part of the gamestage formula.


So if you want to maximize gamestage, stay alive and level as much as you can. Conversely, to minimize difficulty...die a lot.

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Game stage determines loot and enemy spawning.

Higher gamestage means higher tier loot.
Higher gamestage means stronger zombies wondering the world and spawning on blood moons.


Gamestage is calculated by your level & your days survived.



The wiki explains it best. However, in Alpha 19, a change not listed on the wiki. Difficulty no longer affects game stage. Meaning playing on adventurer or Insane doesn't affect gamestage, meaning it won't affect the loot or the types of wandering zombies. 


Ignoring gamestage, days only affect difficulty in the following ways:

1) 1 Wandering horde per day, so each day you get 1 of them.

2) Zombie respawning as random walkers. Since the spawning is block specific, and the reset time is based on days passed. Meaning that playing with 10 minute days vs 60 minute days will spawn 6 times more zombies per realtime(However, zombies also expire, so more will die randomly to time passed)


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Fascinating, and disappointing, because I keep dying to things like a cougar or bear. I'm only like...level 25, it's only day 9...I think the game stage could be much further along by now if I just focused on my horde nights and not go looking for trouble lol.

That link explained a ton actually, most notably, dying once or twice isn't too big of an impact on your total days survived in long run.

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2 hours ago, Loboling said:

Gamestage is calculated by your level & your days survived.



The wiki explains it best. However, in Alpha 19, a change not listed on the wiki. Difficulty no longer affects game stage. Meaning playing on adventurer or Insane doesn't affect gamestage, meaning it won't affect the loot or the types of wandering zombies.

Fixed the Wiki, including a full rewrite of the Gamestage entry.

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7 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Fixed the Wiki, including a full rewrite of the Gamestage entry.

Found a typo in the Gamestage entry and fixed it.



[Adjusted Days Alive] = [Raw Days Alive] 16 - [Death Adjustment] (2 * 2) = 14, capped at [Player Level] = 10



[Adjusted Days Alive] = [Raw Days Alive] 16 - [Death Adjustment] (2 * 2) = 12, capped at [Player Level] = 10


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