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movement_factor in materials.xml does not seem to do anything anymore


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Linux dedicated server. I modified materials.xml, adding/increase movement_factor for various materials. I've done this since A14 or so, and it's always worked. In the current version, Alpha 19.2 (b4), I have this for various materials:


<property name="movement_factor" value="1.750" />


And it does nothing. Movement speed remains unchanged.  Does this no longer work, or is movement_factor hard coded somewhere such whatever we put in materials.xml gets ignored? Again - I've been doing this for years. It stopped working with A19.

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Well let's just make this even weirder. I went to join server and got this: ERR Loading player data failed for player '76561197960378421', rolling back:


And my player profile on the server got wiped. And now the movement factor is recognized. This is too weird. Does movement_factor get read and stored with the player profile upon initial creation, and ignore subsequent changes?

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