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Broken Sledge Turret Combat


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So when jumping and using the sledge turret at the same time (this one being a T4 w/out any mods) you suddenly spin around uncontrollably... Not even in the normal way you can use your mouse, but more as if your were in a snowglobe, being shaken from side to side. The only way to get out of this glitch is by reconnecting to the world. I have not tried this in a server with other players, so I'm unsure if the avatar moves along as well, but it's still quite annoying...

Also, sometimes your mouse is locked in position and you can't look around anymore. I'm not sure however about the specific requirements for this to happen.


When stuck in this so called "spinning mode" you don't need to hold the sledge turret, or even use it to trigger another spin, you just need to jump. I've been testing this glitch to tell as much as I can, but tbh it's making me kind of dizzy and giving me a headache, so I'm not gonna keep testing.

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Thank you for the demonstration, one of the more solid reproduction of this issue I've seen. It's a little different from the other issues related to wonky-camera but this may lead to something.


Could you post an output log please as well? Doesn't have to be in a session that this happened, just any recent one will do.




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