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Help buffburningmolotov and AOE ground effects


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Apologies if this has been covered but I've been unable to find anything on it.


I'm attempting to add a ground AOE effect to a projectile (iteration of rocket launcher ammo). I started by leveraging the molotov cocktail properties and effects. However, I'm having no success. Here's what I have so far:


<item name="ammoRocketDC">
	<property name="Extends" value="ammoRocketHE"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoRocketHE"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="116,238,103"/>
	<property name="UnlockedBy" value="AtomicEngineeringSchematic"/>  
		<property name="FuelValue" value="60"/>
		<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
	<property class="Action1">
		<property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="21"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks -->
		<property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="21"/> <!-- damage radius for entities -->
		<property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="30000"/> <!-- workaround, not affected by perks at all -->
		<property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="2500"/> <!-- workaround, not affected by perks at all -->
		<property name="Explosion.BlastPower" value="100"/> <!-- (int,100) how far ragdolls and such are flung -->
		<property name="Explosion.Buff" value="buffBurningMolotov"/>
		<property name="Explosion.Buff_chance" value="1"/> <!-- giving this a shot -->
		<property name="Explosion.RadiusBuffs" value="21"/> <!-- giving this a shot -->
		<property name="Gravity" value="-30"/>
		<property name="FlyTime" value=".5"/>
		<property name="LifeTime" value="50"/>
		<property name="FuseTime" value="20000"/>
		<property name="ExplodeOnHit" value="true"/>
		<property name="CollisionRadius" value="0.5" />
	<effect_group name="ammoRocketDC" tiered="false">
		<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="30000" tags="perkDemolitionsExpert"/><display_value name="dExDamageBlock" value="30000"/>
		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="2500" tags="perkDemolitionsExpert"/><display_value name="dExDamageEntity" value="2500"/>
		<passive_effect name="ProjectileVelocity" operation="base_set" value="50" tags="perkDemolitionsExpert"/>
		<display_value name="dExRadius" value="21"/>

			<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="ModifyCVar" target="positionAOE" range="21" cvar="buffBurningMolotovDuration" operation="set" value="16">
		<requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkFiremansAlmanacMolotov" operation="Equals" value="0"/></triggered_effect> 
		<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="ModifyCVar" target="positionAOE" range="21" cvar="buffBurningMolotovDuration" operation="set" value="17">
			<requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkFiremansAlmanacMolotov" operation="NotEquals" value="0"/></triggered_effect> 
			<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="AddBuff" target="positionAOE" range="21" buff="buffBurningMolotov, buffBurningElement"/>
		<display_value name="dExDamageFire" value="250"/>
		<display_value name="dDuration" value="16"/>


I had suspected that the relevant areas where the effect_group (which is copied directly from the molotov with range and damage values cranked up) and explosion.buff which is also pulled from the molotov.
On impact, the burning effect of a molotov does get applied to people and zombies (sometimes) in the 21 block range. However, the ground burning effect does not apply as it does with the molotov itself.
So here are my questions:
1. what am I doing wrong?
2. is the molotov effect something that won't apply to a projectile type of ammo?
3. is there some way to apply an AOE effect like the burning ground (basically, the when-stepped-on type of triggered buff applied to the ground blocks in the impact area)?

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You are missing the line of code that defines which fire or explosion effect is displayed when the projectile hits.

It is explosion.index, or something similar. You can change that value and see different effects- there's 19 of them i think, but most are barrels blowing up.

Find that line in vanilla code and you have your answer.

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12 hours ago, convergent said:

You are missing the line of code that defines which fire or explosion effect is displayed when the projectile hits.

It is explosion.index, or something similar. You can change that value and see different effects- there's 19 of them i think, but most are barrels blowing up.

Find that line in vanilla code and you have your answer.

So, for the molotov it's     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="10"/> for the item, and <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="7"/> for the thrown item. For the ammorocketHE that's being extended here, it's <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="5"/>.

My understanding was that this defined what would be displayed on screen. <!-- which Prefab/particle is used --> is the dev comment in the code.

My expectation would be that this would change the explosion effect that gets drawn, but not the effects on terrain, players, etc. Are you thinking this is inaccurate and that the value would also change the behavior of the explosion?

I may have been unclear: what I am trying to do is leave a timed debuff on the ground that applies a debuff to any entity that steps on it. The molotov leaves a circle of fire that, even when it doesn't draw on screen, will apply the molotov debuff (light you on fire) if you stand in that area of effect, even well after the initial explosion. I'm able to set the debuff on entities that are in range of the explosion itself on impact, but I can't seem to get the persistent AOE effect that applies the buff when you walk through the effected area to apply with the rocket round the way it does with the molotov cocktail. You can run immediately over the impact location and you do not catch fire.


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23 minutes ago, convergent said:

ah no you are correct. There is a buff with the target set to area or terrain, I can't remember. Will have to look it up. The molotov projectile applies that buff to the block it hits, and moving within it applies the buff to the entity.

awesome, appreciate the help. I have an experiment to try in the meantime. If it is applying the buff on impact to the block it hits, this may be my issue as that block is always completely destroyed. Going to turn block damage down to 0 tonight and see what happens.
Experiment 2 - have a createitem effect on impact that creates a molotov (which, hopefully, drops to the ground and goes off).

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I messed with this a month or two back, too.  Never got anywhere.   Look at this line:

<property name="Explosion.Buff" value="buffBurningMolotov"/> <!-- molotovs have a ExplosiveDamageArea script that runs this buff for their ground effect -->


I read that to mean if you had Explosion.Buff it would work, but it never did, at least for me.  I suspect that script is hardcoded to look for the item name or something.  Which would explain the wording "molotov's have" instead of "Explosion.Buff runs a script"


Before anything else, try this:

Copy the entire molotov item, rename it to molotovCopyTest.  Try it out.  I'm pretty sure I ran this test, and it didn't work, and that's when I gave up.

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