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Request: Lower debuff durations


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So, I am going through the buffs and pulling the code I need. Just to clarify, are you looking for the treated injury to go down or the just the injury?



I finished a mod for changing broken arm, broken leg, lacerations, arm sprain, and leg sprain. But this only changes the injury itself and not the treated injury. Is that what you were looking for?

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10 hours ago, rickyralph said:

So, I am going through the buffs and pulling the code I need. Just to clarify, are you looking for the treated injury to go down or the just the injury?



I finished a mod for changing broken arm, broken leg, lacerations, arm sprain, and leg sprain. But this only changes the injury itself and not the treated injury. Is that what you were looking for?

Basically, the base injury for getting a broken arm would be decreased from 2 hours to, say, 15 minutes. I assume that the treated injury buff just decreases those injury counters faster, so it essentially just heals quicker? Because if that's the case, yep, the treated buffs can stay the same.


Thanks again!

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