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rickyralph modlets


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Guns: Google Drive ***Needs to be installed on both the server AND client sides, due to custom icon(s)/assets***

Adds in 4 modern guns ((T1)FN57 (Gunslinger), (T2) 1911 (Gunslinger), (T2) M4A1 (Machine Gunner), and (T3)SCAR (Dead Eye). The FN57, 1911, and M4A1 can be unlocked by their respective perks or schematics, while the SCAR is schematic only. They all level off of there perks,  use their own custom ammo, and all mods should work and show properly. All animations for firing and reload should work and look somewhat "normally".(Sidenote - none of the new ammo has ammo bundles setup because I always play with larger stacks mods on. The code is partially there and can be finished if it is needed for players who don't use stack mods.)


Melee Weapons: Google Drive ***Needs to be installed on both the server AND client sides, due to custom icon(s)/assets***

Adds in 4 Blade weapons ((T1) Tanto (Deep Cuts), (T2) Hisu Knife (Deep Cuts), (T2) Wakizashi (Deep Cuts), and (T3) Katana (Deep Cuts)) and 1 Axe ((T2) Tomahawk (Miner 69r)). The Tanto, Hisu Knife, and Wakizashi can be unlocked by their respective perks or schematics, while the Katana and Tomahawk are schematic only. They all level off of there perks and all mods should work and show properly.


Buff Adjustments: Buff Adjustments.zip

This changes the injury times for the broken arm, broken leg, sprained arm, sprained leg, concussion, and lacerations. The sprains are changed to 5 minutes and the broken, concussion, and laceration are changed to 30 minutes. If you want to change it the time then edit the black numbers for the respective buff (the buff times are in seconds so if you want to have an X minute buff then multiple it by 60).


No Perk Crafting: noperkcrafting.zip

This changes the crafting system by removing the ability to just craft after learning the perk. It now requires you to read the schematic and have a point in the perk to be able to craft items. There is a work around if you want to test out certain weapons, If you acquire enough schematics of a given item you will be able to craft a level 1 and try the weapon out. The leveling of weapons still goes off of the perks, so if you want to craft higher tier gear you need to spend the points.



I have tested all the mods and tried to fix what I saw. However if there are any mistakes, I will gladly fix them.


Also as a side note, depending on the feedback I am looking at adding a few more weapons (guns and melee) but want to see what feedback I get first.


**All unity models used are free from the unity store**

**A big Thank You to Xyth, Khaine, and Russaindood for the tutorials and information I needed to complete these mods**


Edited by rickyralph (see edit history)
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@Reckis So i went through and tested the mod out in a new world and it works for me. If you're getting higher level pistols then you will also get my weapons at a higher level. But that doesn't mean when you are looting you will always get higher level. In my test world I got level 3 and 4 of my FN57 which is the only T1 weapon, the rest are T2 and T3, but I also found a couple level 1's. This isn't my code being setup wrong but rather the way TFP has the loot setup. Hope this helps.test.thumb.jpg.922d190bda5dd094b6f0b9f2640fa6a2.jpg

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  • 1 month later...
58 minutes ago, CrazyAluminum said:

The FN57 pistol makes "movements of a sexual nature" after pulling the trigger, firing and then holding the LMB (A19.3 B3 EXP)

So, that is not a "bug" currently. It's to do with the way the animation is set up and the way it's called in the XML file. The animations are setup as a bool state (meaning either true or false) and are called depending on the action of the player. the true state represents the mouse key being "active/pressed" while the false is the opposite, not active/pressed. It needs to be the mouse key because it represents the players item action key in the xml files. So if you are holding the mouse button then the player action key doesn't change from true to false. For non auto weapons this means you get the weapon firing mechanic playing for as long as the key is held. I am not sure if there is another state that would only effect the weapon being held. So i will not be able to change this as of right now.

Edited by rickyralph
Updating with info (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...

@rickyralph Can I use your models to fix the scar model in firearms extended please? 

I fixed the Scar model in your mod (hold animation and mods positioning) and replaced the ScarH in firearms extended with that,
so basically I used ur model + his sound and then added my own hold/attachments animation/positioning , perks, rec, loot and progression. 


Edited by ACCKris (see edit history)
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