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magnum .44


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Magnum .44 looks cool. Sounds cool. Devs done great job on it. But i cant find use for it. 


IMO reload is too long. Its strange for me that my character spins the cylinder while being attacked by 30+ zombies. And there is no reload canceling - ammo counter changes after animation stops. Because of limited ammo capacity reload should be quick.


Not necessarily Serious Sam style quick. Open cylinder, empty casings out, bullets in (with speed loader), close, go -that's it.


I think additional "spin cylinder" step could be skipped. In some games there is "inspect gun" button for stuff like that. Maybe devs would reconsider and implement some changes.


Thanks FunPimps!

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I think the magnum is one of the oldest assets still in the game.  Wouldn't be surprised to it removed now that the Desert Vulture is in...especially given there's 4 items that full under the pistol umbrella...the 9mm pistol, the SMG, Magnum and DV...and with 'scrap weapons coming, I have to think something's going to get axed.

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3 hours ago, Michu said:

But i cant find use for it. 


IMO reload is too long. Its strange for me that my character spins the cylinder while being attacked by 30+ zombies. And there is no reload canceling - ammo counter changes after animation stops. Because of limited ammo capacity reload should be quick.


The use is "very high damage for a pistol". Basically the magnum is the "sniper" of the pistols. If you play spray and pay, the magnum of course is bad.

Reload cancelation? Like every weapon, the reload is canceled if you change toolbelt slots even just 0.01 seconds before the reload is complete.

Because of limited capacity reload doesn't need to be faster, "magazin" size is one of the values too. And it takes longer to reload the drum of a revolver then changing a clip in a 9mm pistol. But the magnum makes way more damage per shot. A 9mm with 8 shots also doesn't reload faster than a 9mm with 10 shots.


What the animation visually shows, like the spinning of the drum, is another question.


So using the magnum makes me think of these:

"I'm running out of ammo!"

"Then make more headshots!"




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