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Dedicated Server issue


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Im having a dedicated server issue i can't seem to find answers for, any help would be appreciated:


Running a server, and suddenly the server crashes, upon restart, and reloading, the game world doesn't show trees, and the ground textures are all grey. Player made boxes show up fine, but nothing generated in Navesgane. Also, the day/time reset to Day 1 from previously 87.


Things I have tried are deleting all files from the server, reinstalling from scratch, still happens after a power outtage causes the server to crash. I have even renamed the "save file" to something with no spaces or numbers and it still seems to happen.


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me and my friends are having the exact same problem I think. I will try to get in again and get a daytime screenshot, but another symptom is that the server boots us constantly. Also there are no trees :(


this is the second time it has happened to us in the past two weeks, and having to start over from scratch is a pain in the ass. 


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