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A possibility to support an update?


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I have been reading the news from TFP and understand console limitations.


I would like to see first more players our group is 5 and someone is always left out.


But what if there was a second DLC which was the updated version maintaining the current version for existing users.


The new update would be cross play with PC as long as the PC started the server. Having the host run most of the resources. (Perhaps even helping the other players demands)


This port could also help bridge the coding gap to make a possible PS5 port quicker.


I have owned 7d2d for years on PC but never really played until my friends and I all started on PS4. I just tried it again on ps4 and love the choice of 8 players. (Along with ALL the extra features)


Would this suggestion be something that would be more possible then just a full console update?



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1) The old consoles are not able to run a port of the current PC alpha with stable FPS. The hardware doesn't support this. Maybe it could be optimized again with a lot of development effort and high costs to run even on the old consoles but you probably would need to cut lots of features and surely get no cross play


2) Porting the current PC alpha to any console is a major undertaking for which TFP themselves does not have the resources at the moment or the knowledge. They need to find a publisher to do this. Doing this in the middle of the development didn't work well the last time and so they will do what practically 99% of all developers do and postpone porting until the have a finished version of the game.


3) Your suggestion is actually more effort compared to a full console update. What you are suggesting is a full port of the most recent alpha PLUS a redesign of the server<-> client interface with changes to all the client and server systems that need to be shifted to the server, dependent on whether they actually can be shifted at all (I doubt there is much that can be reasonably moved to the server)




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