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Electric fence posts not taking damage


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Version: A19 stable with a fresh save (no mods)


Completed day 21 horde night with 6 out of my 12 electric fence posts damaged from 200 down to 49, went to get electrical parts, when I got back to horde base the electric fence posts showed no damage.


Destroyed them and replaced with new posts.


Completed day 28 horde night with the post taking no damage at all.


**Further Testing**


1st test:

I replaced both electric fence posts and when I stepped through them (when active) the durability went to 199/200

I didn't repair but instead went back to my base, approximately 300m away.

When I returned the fence post was back to full durability and no longer took damage from then onwards


2nd Test:

Replaced both fence posts with new ones

powered them up and stepped through so the durability went to 199/200

Repaired back to 200

Repeated this step and once again the durability went from 199/200 and I then repaired it

Went back to my base, then returned and activated them again, went to 199/200 and allowed me to repair.


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