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WHY there are NOT MORE then 1350-1400 zombies in zombienight??? (120min day)


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i play now at day ca.140 max zombies per player 64, warrior, 120min days...with 4 people

last zombienight max 1400 zombies


in my game before day 350...same settings = max 1400 zombies...


are not more zombies possible? at ca 3.00 all zombies dead


i want more zombies (NO..i dont use blade/traps or electronics...only turret standard & red 7mm ammo (no super shoot turret)

can i edit something that i get more zombies?

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thats the sin of the game..build a base that can hold 1350-1400 zombies (build it every zombienight more better)..yes it holds...now i want MORE zombies...


ok thx ..i will take a look at gamestage.xml


ps:its an very easy base (without tricks..no flying base or the door trick)...everyone can build it without specials extras (when u want i can post a foto/video)

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I usually have my spawn set to 16 with 2 or 3 people and feel really challenged. I really prefer quality enemy AI of quantity. A good example of the difference is something like Dynasty Warriors vs. The Last of Us. The difference facing 100 really stupid vs 10 really clever enemies is huge.

For me I will always prefer more clever enemy encounters because it will feel more realistic. This is one reason I really love how you can't catch zombies in an endless falling loops before they get pissed off and break everything. It creates another layer to their strategy I find really enjoyable.

If I had any request it would be to work on making enemies smarter vs optimizing for more total spawns.

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1 hour ago, Boidster said:

I just made this. It ought to make the BMH last forever. Extends the final, hardest wave to 99,999 zombies.



wow..this looks interesting...

perhaps / or i have an idea

>can u make a mod "the faster u shoot the zombies, the faster the new zombies spawn"...

and perhaps, when u shoot 500zombies fast, the next zombies will be harder and harder

start night >normal, then green, then police, then terminators and at the end lot of remix and LOT OF DEMOLISHER


is this possible?

for 99,999 zombies idont have enough ammo lol..i want only every night +100 zombies (or perhaps a mod that makes every night MORE zombies?, when u reached the maximum of 1350/1400)

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7 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

wow..this looks interesting...

perhaps / or i have an idea

>can u make a mod "the faster u shoot the zombies, the faster the new zombies spawn"...

and perhaps, when u shoot 500zombies fast, the next zombies will be harder and harder

start night >normal, then green, then police, then terminators and at the end lot of remix and LOT OF DEMOLISHER


is this possible?

for 99,999 zombies idont have enough ammo lol..i want only every night +100 zombies (or perhaps a mod that makes every night MORE zombies?, when u reached the maximum of 1350/1400)

The mod of Boidster is a simple XML mod. To implement the things you want to do you would have to dig much deeper into the game, if it is possible at all.

By the way, you won't get really 99,999 zombies. The number 99,999 just makes sure that the last wave ends at 4am.


1 hour ago, Kalen said:

Set your horde night for every night with this mod and you'll probably break the game!   I love it!

Not really. The number 99,999 only ensures that the last wave ends at 4 a.m. and not earlier.

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Everything you ask for is possible. Probably not within my skillset, though.


26 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

can u make a mod "the faster u shoot the zombies, the faster the new zombies spawn"..

It already works this way, for the most part. As soon as you kill a zombie, another one spawns to take its place. If you're set to 64 per player, it ought to maintain more-or-less 64-per-player on screen. It takes a moment to spawn them and of course they have to run towards you, but except at the end of a wave (when there is a short delay) they spawn as soon as you kill them.


With the Infinite Horde modlet, on that last wave they will never stop spawning. Always 64-per-player until 4AM.


26 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

and perhaps, when u shoot 500zombies fast, the next zombies will be harder and harder

start night >normal, then green, then police, then terminators and at the end lot of remix and LOT OF DEMOLISHER

This is also how it works already, for the most part. Every higher-GS horde night has a series of waves, with each wave getting harder. Now each wave still will be a randomly-determined mix of zombies, so you might not get "a lot of demolishers", but the chance for demolishers will be higher as the waves get more difficult.


It is possible to increase the chance for demolishers even more, but that is a bigger modlet. Look in entitygroups.xml, scroll down towards the bottom where you see lines which start with:

  <entitygroup name="feralHordeStageGSnnn"> (where 'nnn' is some number)


and anywhere you see this:

  <entity name="zombieDemolition" prob="0.16"/>


change that prob value to something higher. Maybe start by doubling it (i.e. from 0.16 to 0.32) and see how it feels.


26 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

for 99,999 zombies idont have enough ammo lol..i want only every night +100 zombies (or perhaps a mod that makes every night MORE zombies?, when u reached the maximum of 1350/1400)

Well, it will not actually spawn 99,999 zombies unless you are extremely efficient at killing them. Basically using 99999 in the modlet just means that the zombies will come non-stop until 4AM. You said you're done by 3AM as it is now. Well, this is going to fill out your horde night all the way until 4AM, with the hardest zombies available for your gamestage.


Edit: Ninja'd by RipClaw

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"""""Not really. The number 99,999 only ensures that the last wave ends at 4 a.m. and not earlier.""""

ahhhhh...coool....that was that what iv thinked...at 4 its end...perhaps i get betweeen 3 and 4 800 more zombies ??? HEHEHEHHE



"""""This is also how it works already, for the most part. Every higher-GS horde night has a series of waves, with each wave getting harder. Now each wave still will be a randomly-determined mix of zombies, so you might not get "a lot of demolishers", but the chance for demolishers will be higher as the waves get more difficult. """"

in a18 it was cool...the waves getted harder on every wave..in a19..the mixing is little crazy....some zombienight i start with only green zombies, then i get only normal, at the 3rd only cops and terminators (no demolisher)

other zombienight...60 demolisher in wave 3...next zombienight...3 demolisher in wave 3...

a19 is little confusing^^


heres a pic of my base (perhaps u want to see it) outside is asphalt...in a19 fences have a new sense




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19 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

in a18 it was cool...the waves getted harder on every wave..in a19..the mixing is little crazy

Yeah, the horde groups (the "waves") were changed up for A19. Can't say for sure if they're harder or easier.


Attached is a quick-and-dirty modlet that will double the chance of Demolishers on horde night. If you want even more (or fewer), this is a good modlet to learn how to write simple modlets. Just open up the entitygroups.xml file in the modlet's /config folder and change the numbers.


<set xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[starts-with(@name,'feralHorde')]/entity[@name='zombieDemolition' and @prob='0.16']/@prob">0.32</set>




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58 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Yeah, the horde groups (the "waves") were changed up for A19. Can't say for sure if they're harder or easier.


Attached is a quick-and-dirty modlet that will double the chance of Demolishers on horde night. If you want even more (or fewer), this is a good modlet to learn how to write simple modlets. Just open up the entitygroups.xml file in the modlet's /config folder and change the numbers.


<set xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[starts-with(@name,'feralHorde')]/entity[@name='zombieDemolition' and @prob='0.16']/@prob">0.32</set>



BoidsDoubleDemos.zip 1.33 kB · 0 downloads

the changes are WORSE...one zombienight hard, the next like "ohh that was nothing" the next.."was ok" and so on

in a18 its was "omg, i hope i survive this" (every zombienight)

that feeling isnt at a19



step 1 i test ur mod in nxt zombienight

step 2 i try to do what u say here in this last post


i make a video from step 1 perhaps it gets funny

thanxs a lot for ur helping


IDEAAAAA that came in my mind...it is possible that the zombies come from ALL SIDES??? not only from west, nord and so on

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