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How do I transfer server files from non-ded to ded server


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Hello all,


Hopefully I am in the right place. I have created a game with a few friends via the 7d2d client. After realizing, I need to be in the client and logged on for my friends to play, I would like to create a dedicated server on another machine with the save/data/world from my original session.


Is it as simple as copying the server config file from the steam folder and the world file from the appdata folder and replacing them on the new machine?


Any guidance would be great appreciated. 

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22 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

I would start by checking the Support FAQ thread for useful information.


Never know what you might find....

So after looking at all the FAQs, i am having trouble finding my world seed... I would like to paste this into the serverconfig file.


I looked in AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\Voluya Territory under generated info and it is blank but shows 


World Name: Voluya Territory
Original Seed: 
Biome Weight (Snow): 1
Biome Weight (Pine): 2
Biome Weight (Burnt): 1
Biome Weight (Desert): 1
Biome Weight (Wasteland): 1

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1 hour ago, Kus_is_loose said:

So after looking at all the FAQs, i am having trouble finding my world seed... I would like to paste this into the serverconfig file.


I looked in AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\Voluya Territory under generated info and it is blank but shows 


World Name: Voluya Territory
Original Seed: 
Biome Weight (Snow): 1
Biome Weight (Pine): 2
Biome Weight (Burnt): 1
Biome Weight (Desert): 1
Biome Weight (Wasteland): 1

Everything is printed in the logfile whenever you play in that world (not only when you generate it).


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