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Choosing Tiers And Modifiers In The XML File


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So in the developer items mode there are 5 tier loadout kits and i wanted to make a tier 6 one that always comes with steel armor lvl 6 with specified modifiers, does anyone know how to do that in the xml files? here is what i've got so far.

the   <property name="Create_item_quality" does nothing right now i was hoping someone could help me with that one and also the <item name="Loadout Tier 6 Packs"> is unable to create "Loadout_Tier_6_Ranged_Weapons,Loadout_Tier_6_Melee_Weapons,Loadout_Tier_6_Armor"

<item name="Loadout Tier 6 Packs">
            <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="mineCandyTin"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
            <property class="Action0">
                <property name="Create_item" value="Loadout_Tier_6_Ranged_Weapons,Loadout_Tier_6_Melee_Weapons,Loadout_Tier_6_Armor"/>
                <property name="Create_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"/>
        <item name="Loadout_Tier_6_Ranged_Weapons">
            <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="mineCandyTin"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
            <property class="Action0">
                <property name="Create_item" value="gunBowT3CompoundBow,gunHandgunT3DesertVulture,gunShotgunT3AutoShotgun,gunMGT3M60,gunRifleT3SniperRifle,gunBowT3CompoundCrossbow,gunHandgunT1Pistol,gunHandgunT3SMG5,gunRifleT2MarksmanRifle,gunMGT2TacticalAR"/>
                <property name="Create_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"/>
                <property name="Create_item_quality" value="6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6"/>
        <item name="Loadout_Tier_6_Melee_Weapons">
            <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="mineCandyTin"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
            <property class="Action0">
                <property name="Create_item" value="meleeWpnSpearT3SteelSpear,meleeWpnBladeT3Machete,meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelSledgehammer,meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnuckles,meleeWpnClubT3SteelClub,meleeWpnBatonT2StunBaton"/>
                <property name="Create_item_count" value="2,1,1,1,1,1"/>
                <property name="Create_item_quality" value="6,6,6,6,6,6"/>
        <item name="Loadout_Tier_6_Armor">
            <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="mineCandyTin"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
            <property class="Action0">
                <property name="Create_item" value="armorSteelChest,armorSteelGloves,armorSteelLegs,armorSteelBoots,armorSteelHelmet"/>
                <property name="Create_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/>
                <property name="Create_item_quality" value="6,6,6,6,6"/>

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Hi ExodusV


In loadout tier 5, it already gives you things of steel, apart from good weapons like desertvulture, m60, etc.

I think level 6 they removed it, they only left up to level 5 of things, but it can be added.


In loadout tier 6 packs change this: <property name = "Create_item" value = "Loadout_Tier_6_Ranged_Weapons, Loadout_Tier_6_Melee_Weapons, Loadout_Tier_6_Armor" />


to: <property name = "Create_item" value = "gunBowT3CompoundBow, gunHandgunT3DesertVulture, gunShotgunT3AutoShotgun, gunMGT3M60, gunRifleT3SniperRifle, gunBowT3CompoundCrossbow, gunHandgunT1Pistol3, gunHandgun2MARI, gunHandgunT1Pistol3, gunHandgunG2ARMARI, gunHandgunMARifMacticalT1R, gunHandgunMAR2, gunHandgunT1Pistol3, gunHandgun2ARMARifMarksMarks2 / GunHandgunT1Pistol3
and add melee armor and weapons, or carefully select what you want the most.


It also changes: <property name = "CreativeMode" value = "Dev" />
a: <property name = "CreativeMode" value = "Player" />.

I suppose that adding "Create_item_quality" does not work, because the level can be random, as happens with loot, I am not very sure about that.
The other lines you added like: Loadout_Tier_6_Ranged_Weapons, Loadout_Tier_6_Melee_Weapons and Loadout_Tier_6_Armor, do not go in the code.

Add a recipe, that comes out only when looting or that the trader sells, is your choice.

Hope that helps you.





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Hi, recently I was trying to solve the same problem for my quest mod called Hutch's Legacy.


First of all, you need to think of your current way you're giving these items to the player as if they were opening a bundle of ammo. It's essentially using the same game feature. As with bundles, you can't really set some advanced properties of the items that are created. I know, it's a pain, because this method is pretty cool and immersive, but if you insist on being able to set some item properties such as modifiers and item quality, at the moment you will have to settle for using custom lootgroup together with a custom lootcontainer.


In my quest, I'm using a custom lootgroup inside loot.xml with the following line inside that lootgroup:

<item name="HutchsRevolver" mods="modGunReflexSight,modGunBarrelExtender" mod_chance="2" quality="1"/>

This will ensure that the player with ALWAYS find item called Hutch's Revolver with pre-applied Reflex Sight and Barrel Extender and the quality of the item will ALWAYS be 1. Just to be clear, if I wanted to make this tier 6, I would simply change quality to 6, but for sake of balance, I wanted this item to be always a low quality, because you are getting it early. As for mod_chance attribute, I'm still trying to figure out the exact relationship between its value and the chance of the pre-applied modifications, but I can tell you already that when I set it to 1 in my particular example, the item was always receiving only the first modification from the list. With mod_chance set to 2, SO FAR I'm always getting both modifications from the list.


I hope this helps.

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