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Missing Boiled Water


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Playing an RWG vanilla game with a handful of mods, but all of which we  had before that didn't cause our current problem.  For some reason, no one on the server is able to boil water.  The "recipe" is completely missing from our list of able to make items.  Seems like a completely unique problem and a google search brings up nothing that i can find to come remotely to what we're experiencing.  Any idea why this recipe would suddenly disappear or suggestions on bringing it back.  Tested removing the mods, but that doesn't help the problem.

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What likely happened is one of your mods modified the recipes.xml file. Whoever is the host should delete the xml and then verify the file integrity through Steam (although I do suggest you not using the mods since one of them likely caused an issue to begin with, or perhaps pinpoint which one screwed the pooch)

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recipe is still in my vanilla a19b180 game.

as suggested, contact server owner to request repairing the issue and also do a verify files on your game because there may be more missing in recipes.


or... you may be looking for different (older) naming in the recipe xml and not seeing the current name.

<recipe name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_time="40" tags="perkMasterChef,perkChefBoiledWater,boiledWater">
    <ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1"/>

QA Tester-unholyjoe

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