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How far your immersion goes? Multiple choice poll


Only answer if you read the sceniario carefully.  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. What is in the box?

    • An artillery shell
    • A hammer
    • Jewelry
    • Cigars
    • A shovel
    • A stone spear
    • Stone arrow heads
    • A pistol
    • An Ak47
    • A truck
    • Silver weapons against the supernatural
    • A witch charm
    • The Spanish Inquisition
    • A set of masks
    • A stone axe
    • The holy bible
    • An expensive electic watch
    • Money
  2. 2. Because the page is bugged here are the two other options missing from the vote:

    • Bullets
    • A magnetometer.
    • Nothing from this question.

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Okay before anything this polls goal is to find out in a specific sceniario what do you actually find realistic, fitting the immersion and acceptable within the game.

Read the text below carefully and answer the question on its end truthfully.


You are the hero of a game, you woke up naked in the middle of nowhere somewhere in Canada. In the distance you see a town and decide to go there, while going you remember that the world in 2021 was destroyed by vampires and now thralls and vampire lords crawl on the streets looking for some quick snack.

You arrive in the deserted town, a few thralls are in the distance but they cant see you. You are freezing so you enter the "Soul Warmer" named shop what seems to sell clothing.
Inside the shop you get dressed, grab some cash from the counter and start scavanging for food and something to be used as a weapon. As you scout around you notice theres a safe hidden behind a small picture on the wall. Inside the safe you found a small golden box with a pistol engraved on the top of it and a small line of text "Uncle Ted's Shells".

What is in the box?


Now the reason why the question doesnt use any ingame sceniarios is because i dont want an argument here about whats in 7 days to die but about what people in general think fits immersion when they are presented with a sceniario. All information is here to find out what could be in that small box.

The poll features all kind of sizes, technological settings, impossible choices and everything to see what the avarage player find immersion fitting to find in the box.


Once enough people answered we can draw our conclusion about how and what can be improved here in 7 days to die because we too are running in a presented sceniario so we can apply the same reasonings here.


Day 1 of voting (08.29), currently the leading votes are:


  1. Pistol with 16 vote. Probably because it says shells?
  2. Silver weapons, probably because they fit the lore at 11 votes.
  3. Money and Jewelry both at 10 votes. Well the box is golden and hidden in a safe so yeah it makes sense.


Also almost one thinks it makes sense to find an AK or a truck in there.

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23 minutes ago, canadianbluebeer said:

You are NOT getting an artillery shell in a "small" box.


(nice try tho)




It was quite catchy isnt it? Uncle ted's shells in a box, it must an artillery shell, but yeah the size difference makes it impossible.


Also im gonna tag here @Roland because we are pretty much on the same side here. Items need to actually fit in their container whenever its possible.

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I selected A stone spear, Stone arrow heads, A stone axe and A magnetometer. The last one because you can not leave the second question unanswered. And the others because I don't care what the text says.


If I put a stone in a box and write "Golden Apple" on the outside of the box, is there suddenly a Golden Apple in the box?


I have some boxes lying around with all kinds of contents but still with the original logo of the manufacturer. Does the logo of the manufacturer have any meaning for the contents ? No, it has not.

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I did not vote, and I would like to explain why.


The choices are all based on YOUR expectations, both of what you would expect to find in the box and what you expect others to think they would find in the box.


When I would open such a box, I would not have any preconceived expectations, beyond what would fit in a box of that size. Anyone could have put anything of the appropriate size in that box. One could assume that it would be something valuable, but value is subjective.


A third choice of the second question (for me) would have been "Anything" (ignoring size considerations, of course).

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I voted a pistol or money, anything else would be a surprise. But I'm actually more surprised I could open the safe.


You so conveniently jumped over this little detail, but lets be really realistic, you would have 1 chance in a million to open even a small basic safe in a shop without specialist equipment. Correction, the chance is somewhat higher because you might find the combination written down somewhere. But a lockpick or a pick-axe? You gotta be kiddin



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Because when you say HERO, I think of the underdog type.  Using words like that creates a subjectivity upon the matter itself.  What does a hero look like to you?

To me, it's the person who strives against the odds.  Shovel it is.  It's a weapon.  It's a tool.  It's your paladin sword of righteousness.

Also, if you read any Max Brooks, it's also called a 'Lobo'.


Take that!

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I selected anything that reasonably could fit into a "small box" (no actual size given so I used shoebox size; and I mean like my normal sneakers not the ones my girlfriend gets which apparently require a huge box and a fleece or velvet bag inside that). Unsure of the point of the poll or how it helps drive discussion about 7D2D containers? Is anybody arguing strongly that finding a blunderbuss (non-foldable, HAH Gazz) in an (apparently) 10" or 12" cube wall safe is "realistic"?


If the size doesn't matter - and I have been assured that it does not - then I suppose I could find any of the items listed, including The Spanish Inquisition, by Henry Kamen, in the box. I mean, I just got to town and apparently civilization has gone through a massive upheaval. Lord knows what people stashed away for safekeeping.

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23 hours ago, meganoth said:

I voted a pistol or money, anything else would be a surprise. But I'm actually more surprised I could open the safe.


You so conveniently jumped over this little detail, but lets be really realistic, you would have 1 chance in a million to open even a small basic safe in a shop without specialist equipment. Correction, the chance is somewhat higher because you might find the combination written down somewhere. But a lockpick or a pick-axe? You gotta be kiddin



I never said it was a closed safe. All jokes aside at my workplace in the main electrical maintance room we have an open safe hidden behind some drywall where we keep the spare fuses.


23 hours ago, guardianangelmp said:

The last two options are not valid results because you must pick one of the two in order to submit your choices.

Sorry forgot about how these polls work, its a bit late but i will add a third option.

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