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Alpha 19 Gameplay - Day 13 - So the airdrop floats


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Greetings everyone,


I am NukularBunny and I've been gaming for around a decade now and becoming a youtuber has always been my dream. I started playing 7 days to die from alpha 16 and I really liked this game. I can't say what exactly but something makes this game totally stands out from the other games. I can't wait for this game to come out of alpha tbh XD. Well enough introductions for now


I am starting a brand new alpha 19 gameplay in random gen, and I'm gonna try and upload daily gameplays. I'm not using any mods and I think this is going to be my first proper run that I'm gonna be uploading so for now, I'm not gonna take up any challenges.


This is the link to the alpha 19 gameplay series's playlist




I've still got a lot to learn about this game, so if you've deciding to check out my videos, I hope you'll also point out my flaws and help me correct them.


Thank you.



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I did a burried supplies quest and another fetch supplies quest which took up most of our daytime. I did get to explore one of the newer POI's during the fetch supplies quest. Then during the nightcycle I did some mining. We were attacked by one single zombie during that time XD.
The next morning I sold some of my stuff and finally got the contact grenade schematic.



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Well, I did try and build a horde base for day 7. But I'm gonna have to make do with the one I have right now. I don't actually spending the time doing it because I did get some free xp off of it. If you guys enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe for more 7 days to die alpha 19 content.



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They day 7 horde was upon as, but I managed to pull through because of the last minute AK I got from the trader. Things got pretty wild when the dogs started running in my base like the pillars were not a big deal at all. Well 7 days to die threw everything it can at us but we lived. And we will continue.



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After getting a crazy floating airdrop, I find a nice POI for Day 14, of course I didn't have the time to fortify it. But I'm hoping I will get it done before the horde. I finished my remaining quests and hit up the trader, they had nothing that could help us with the horde and that is just sad. But it's fine, as always, we will prevail



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