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Increased Food Consumption in Vehicles?


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I don't know why this came about, but I think it's stupid to increase food consumption rate while driving a vehicle. This is my opinion in which I am entitled to give. If you don't like my opinion please don't be rude, provide your opinion on this topic so we can have a meaningful discussion.

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Personally, it doesn't bother me that much because by the time I get a minibike, I have usually already built up a solid self-sufficiency. And since I do a lot of melee combat, my food consumption is generally much higher than for somebody who mainly uses firearms. So I barely notice it.


I guess the Fun Pimps wanted to make hunger a slightly bigger problem to overcome. In the past, there have been some complaints from players that you can't actually starve because you find so much food.

I understand why players do not like this change. You can mitigate this problem by drinking Red Tea and invest a point into "Iron Gut". My strategy is to invest a point in "Master Chef" right at the start. Then I can make bacon with eggs which is a good starting point.


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13 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

I guess the Fun Pimps wanted to make hunger a slightly bigger problem to overcome. In the past, there have been some complaints from players that you can't actually starve because you find so much food.

Yep, since A16 food was more of a role-play thing than anything else, food is very important in A19 and there are lots of ways to ensure you're good to go.

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There is nothing wrong with wanting to state your opinion. Besides, personally I find it a valid issue. It's really dumb, and makes no sense to get more hungry driving. You already chew through stamina and food running around everywhere. You'd think being in something other than a bicycle would reduce food consumption since you are no longer running around on foot. As for Rip-claw, there are servers where the early game food issue can be quite challenging. Food stock piles may not come about as easily in multiplayer as it does in single player.


It is my hope in future alphas that the Fun Pimps will find meaningful ways to add challenge instead of cheap low energy tactics like this that make absolutely no sense. 

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10 minutes ago, Bloodyvixen said:

You'd think being in something other than a bicycle would reduce food consumption since you are no longer running around on foot.

That's how it works tho iirc. Being in a vehicle uses more food than standing still but less than walking or running. It just no longer uses zero which use to be the case.

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4 minutes ago, Bloodyvixen said:

As for Rip-claw, there are servers where the early game food issue can be quite challenging. Food stock piles may not come about as easily in multiplayer as it does in single player.

I suppose this mainly concerns servers where the players play as single players rather than in a group. In a group they can specialize so that someone can fill in the role of a hunter and someone else the role of a farmer and another player the role of a cook.


On large servers it is certainly necessary to either increase the spawn rate of the animals or to use a bot that spawns an animal on demand.

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26 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

That's how it works tho iirc. Being in a vehicle uses more food than standing still but less than walking or running. It just no longer uses zero which use to be the case.

Let me be more specific since it wasn't obvious enough. My point is that other than the bicycle (the exception) being in a vehicle shouldn't be pulling at your food at all. I know it's not the end of the world, it's not that big a deal, yadda yadda. It's just irritating to set yet more pointless things changed that no one needed, wanted, doesn't make sense, and quite frankly is a cheap way to avoid adding "Meaningful content" to the game.

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We had an extensive discussion about increased food consumption while being in a vehicle before it it was even part of the newest build in the A19 dev diary topic. I was against that change myself and thought it was stupid and didn't make any sense. Now, that this is part of the game, I have to say that I could not care less. All I know is that the whole food game has improved a lot in comparison with A18 so there must have been some good changes. Maybe increased food consumption in vehicles adds something positive to that, maybe it just does not matter at all. But it definitely was not a change for the worse.

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19 minutes ago, Bloodyvixen said:

Let me be more specific since it wasn't obvious enough. My point is that other than the bicycle (the exception) being in a vehicle shouldn't be pulling at your food at all.

So you think it should be reverted to how it was? How it was meant you consumed ZERO food while in a vehicle. None. How does that make any sense at all? Your metabolism DOES run while you're driving ya know. As it is now you use less driving than you do walking.

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Just now, JCrook1028 said:

So you think it should be reverted to how it was? How it was meant you consumed ZERO food while in a vehicle. None. How does that make any sense at all? Your metabolism DOEC run while you're driving ya know. As it is now you use less driving than you do walking.

I do want to see it reverted. There is a lot honestly that I would like to see reverted. As I edited in later, I know it's not the end of the world. It's really not that big of a deal. It's just irritating to see yet another change "For the sake of changes", that doesn't add anything meaningful to the game. It's another inane annoyance that doesn't make sense. There wasn't anything wrong with the way it was in regards to driving, so why suddenly decide "Oh lets change the code a bit and make driving now consume calories". I just cannot fathom why they decided that was even worth spending time on. As I said before I really hope come 20 we see an end to this, and see them focusing on actually completing this game with meaningful content.

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Had this discussion once before.


Activity Old Way New Way
Standing Still Zero stamina/food use Zero stamina/food use
Moving in a vehicle Zero stamina/food use Slight stamina/food use
Walking/running/working Stamina/food use according to activity Stamina/food use according to activity


I have highlighted the big change for A19. I do not understand why there would be any push-back - normally you ought to consume food at some minimum rate at all times, but you don't want players starving to death if they go AFK. Any other activity ought to consume at least a little food. That's all they did, was bring in a base-level stamina/food drain and as @JCrook1028 says, it's less than walking.

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It was changed because it made no sense to consume zero calories while actively playing the game and traveling the in game world. The only reason you do not consume calories while standing still is so that time in the menu or while paused does not end up using your food. Gameplay time, which driving is, needs to use food, period.

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Answer honestly: Did you know about the food consumption because you read the patch notes or did you actually notice your food bar depleting while you were driving? 


It's a simple way to keep hunger relevant even after you aren't running everywhere and if they had just hidden it in code and never mentioned it, most people would never have even noticed except that they still would need to eat regularly.

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Yeah, hunger should totally be a thing, and you should eat 2-3 times a day.


If it were me. I'd just make the hunger/water bar deplete a certain amount even if you're standing still... you know, metabolism and such stuff :)

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I think it's just the way they worded it:

  • Vehicle driving increases food consumption

There's no reference as to what it is increased from. If they would've just said some thing like "Driving vehicles now has a small food drain" or something so there was a reference of measure it probably wouldn't be misunderstood.


And I feel like the people saying it shouldn't be any different than standing still have never driven a vehicle before. Lol.

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

never driven a vehicle before

Sure they have. They backed it in and out of their Mom and Dad's driveway....


There is a big difference between driving on smooth maintained roads and off roading. The second takes stamina and you will be sore afterwards. Definitely more than sitting or standing still. 

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From what im seeing with some debugging you do not lose any more extra food when sprinting on a bicycle (its the same as being stood still)! You only lose more food on vehicles like the minibike and 4X4. I think the reason is because the food reduction is attached to the Engine in the vehicles.xml and the bicycle doesnt have an engine. 

For me thats totally backwards, id expect to lose more food on a bicycle and pretty much zero on a minibike/4x4.

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

That sounds like a bug. You should lose as much "walking" on the bike as you do walking on foot and "sprinting" on the bike as you do sprinting on foot. If that isn't happening then it isn't intended.

Yeah agreed, ive done some investigation and food usage is defn not quite right imho. Im not convinced the perks and buffs are affecting food usage correctly either but hard to tell without clear numbers/debugging.

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Just give a small, base food consumption at all times (enough to require three moderate food items to stay full in 24 hr period) and make that the food drain while in a vehicle and while standing still.


If you afk for a full 24 hrs in game time, and don't exit to menu, you can't cry about dying to hunger.

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