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Safe to start new game on experimental?


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Probably best to wait IMO.  I think I'm having issues with my B178 world I continued with 180.  I've only hit one POI but there were no zombies at all...just one vulture on the roof that didn't even bother to take flight.  I just walked over, crouched down, looked him in the beady little eye then stuck a machete in it.  Very satisfying but a little anti-climactic. 


Edit:  Have since ran through a couple more POI's with no issues so maybe it was specific to that POI (small Working Stiff out in the country with a car crashed through one of the big windows).  

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We are/have been running the same server since the start of A19. The issues we have had, have been related to our modlets I am positive. After stripping back most of the modlets besides some server-side stuff, it has been running just fine, including after the B180 update. We are not planning on starting a new map until Stable release. 

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