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A19 B178 Optimizations


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This mod should improve some micro stuttering by using a R/W lock rather than the generic lock. I've modified the classes: ChunkManager, ChunkCluster, Chunk. I've also eliminated some redundant locking by moving the code around a bit, like in 'task_CalcChunkPositions' or in 'thread_Regenerating', it locks multiple times while it only needs to do it once. You may also notice a small improvement in FPS when you have a lot of zombies around as they also access the chunk data a lot, since the game has no builtin Benchmark its near impossible to get accurate numbers.


I will maybe do more profiling and other smaller optimization where possible. Give it a try and let me know if it improves the stuttering for you.


NOTE: Disable EAC when you want to use this.




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2 hours ago, ZehMatt said:

No. Also it seems that the time I posted this A19 was updated to B180, I will probably update this today or the next coming days. I've also discovered some code that saves about 300 MiB memory, no idea why its done like that.

Are you going to make this available as a DMT mod instead of redistributed dll? Could be that if your optimizations are easy enough the Fun Pimps could pick them up and implement them to the core game. It sounds promising that this may just allow a bit more zombies on the screen at once which is always a good thing,

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