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Just thinking


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Love the cooking and farming aspect, wish there was a bit more. Was looking at my stash this evening and canned pears don't have a recipe. Maybe turn it into peaches and it make peach cobbler with a bit of a sugar rush sprint but there be a slight crash effect where you slow down a bit more then normal.


Another cooking idea "toasted acorn boiled acorns" can have them partnered with water in the cooking fire to remove the tannins like irl.


Fish or fishing? Pole fishing could add a danger element or trap fishing



Nn and gg



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It would be pretty dope if there were more aspects to survival. Fishing, Camping stuff, Farming - tractors you could fix, hoes, etcetera. It would be dope imo. I kind of question the recipe for farm plots as it uses rotting flesh. One would think that would make someone sick but alright.

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