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Flowerrrrs and maybe a second stove.


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Thank you for all the love and work you guys put into this game; I have been playing since A7 or so and the game has been nothing but awesome.

1)I can't wait and hope to see HD models of goldrenrod and chrys flowers :D Everything else looks so amazing now.

2)Also, I think a second tier stove of some kind; campfire from beginning to end isn't bad but it would be cool if we could make a stove. Thank you for all the love and work you guys put into this game; I have been playing since A7 or so and the game has been nothing but awesome. 

3) maybe make the loot goggles give a bonus to lockpicking as well; I think that fits pretty good.
Edit: Oh and maybe a feature to name our turrets and vehicles would be cute! I've always wanted to name my sledge turret "Marly."

Edit-Edit: Oh gosh, terribly sorry, just one more.. An over/under shotgun would be awesome. 

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