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more zombies, not harder zombies?


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I know this has been explained before but I can't find it of course. I'm pretty sure there's a way to edit the .xml so that you spawn a greater number of zombies? I don't want to turn the difficulty up because I don't want hp sponges, I just want a greater number of zombies. Our quests and POI clears are super boring because there's just not enough zombies in them. Upping my difficulty doesn't make MORE zombies, only HARDER zombies, or have I misunderstood? I'd be glad to turn it up and then turn their health down if that would work. 

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4 minutes ago, Feycat said:

Right, I'm asking HOW one does it. My BMH is set on 24. 


As Maharin said, it's in the spawning.xml file (which you'll find in the Data\Config directory beneath where you have the game installed, by default inside your Steam directory).


For example in editing, it's just a simple text file, as below:


    <biome name="pine_forest">
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="4" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="14" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="21" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />


You could for example edit the maxcount there, or go further down the file and edit the individual groups (for example ZombiesAll) to boost them that way.

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Just now, Feycat said:

Do you get more zombies in POIs if you up the difficulty? Or just the same amount with more hp?

I believe it's just the same, but with higher health/life/damage values. My modding is quite out of date now, so perhaps one of the many mod-experts may reply, but I don't believe there's anything you can do to squeeze more zombies into POI's (but I could well be wrong on that).

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18 hours ago, Maharin said:

Better have a beast of a computer to play it on then.  Up your blood moon horde count to 16 (or more) to get a feel for how it works on your computer first.


EDIT: And spawning.xml is the one you're looking for.

Not really. I played with a mod recently by JaxTeller which ramps up the zombie spawns and didn't notice much difference in performance.  My PC isn't the greatest. Back in A15, there were a lot more zombies and the game ran great for me. Now I just turn down settings slightly to account for better graphics.

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19 hours ago, Feycat said:

I know this has been explained before but I can't find it of course. I'm pretty sure there's a way to edit the .xml so that you spawn a greater number of zombies? I don't want to turn the difficulty up because I don't want hp sponges, I just want a greater number of zombies. Our quests and POI clears are super boring because there's just not enough zombies in them. Upping my difficulty doesn't make MORE zombies, only HARDER zombies, or have I misunderstood? I'd be glad to turn it up and then turn their health down if that would work. 

Here is a nice thread from Rolland back in A18 which still applies.



Regarding zombie counts in POIs there is no easy way to increase the count right now.  I know the devs have mentioned a new infestation quest in the future that will up the count in POIs somehow which sounds promising.


I recommend starting with increasing biome spawners first to see how you like before trying other things as it's easy to do/undo.


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17 hours ago, cammel said:

I know, but he is asking for more in a poi.

*cough* She.

3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

I recommend starting with increasing biome spawners first to see how you like before trying other things as it's easy to do/undo.

I mean, we've been using Jaxteller's more zombies and bigger roaming hordes modlets for ages.

I dunno, I guess we just wanted more challenge in POIs, and don't consider "more hp" to be more challenging, just a bigger sponge. I play way too many MMOs that think just making mobs into tedious hp sponges is "challenge."

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