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My First Xpath modlet Thanks to a friends Idea


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So my friend Oocia Came up with an Idea Why not add Brass as a harvestable Item from The large bolders in the world As you know Sometimes Playing On multiplayer servers or Playing solo can be a pain as Resources Can be hard to come by in early game He came up with the idea of adding Brass to bolders As He didn't know how to use xpath he added the information Manually But thanks to SphereII's Xpath tutorial I was able to come up with a small Moddlet That adds brass to bolders in the world Currently It is set to my Servers settings For survival enter at your own risk mod I Am releasing this As his idea But as my Code and Thanks to Bdubyah He was able to help me fix my Mistakes I Am proud to release to the community And this modlet is free for all to modify and use to your liking This will also be avalible on the Mod launcher soon


Direct Download Linkhttps://gitlab.com/army.bratt44/mods


Thanks For allowing me to release this Small modlet I will be updating this modlet In the near future So don't worry

If anyone has any other idea's They'd like me to try Feel free to shoot the Idea's my way

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