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Add persistent data


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I would like to save extra information when a game is saved, and reconstruct it on loading.


Is there an obvious way to do so ? Maybe register a save/load callback to the GameManager, or overload the serialization mecanism ?


Thank you !


EDIT: I noticed cvar get saved, but is it the good way to go if I need a more complex object to persist ?

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I would like to save extra information when a game is saved, and reconstruct it on loading.


Is there an obvious way to do so ? Maybe register a save/load callback to the GameManager, or overload the serialization mecanism ?


Thank you !


EDIT: I noticed cvar get saved, but is it the good way to go if I need a more complex object to persist ?


cvar is just a string and a float value. You can get quite clever with them. However, it's stored on a character, so it depends on your usage.

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Thank you Sphereii !


Reconstructing complex objects from key/values might be tedious, so I was hoping serialization could do the work for me.


As for usage, I was thinking of a more global object. Isn't there always a main character (server owner, map creator ... ) or game object (maybe the bedrock block at (0,0) ) guaranteed to be in game, on which I could attach "global" cvar ?

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