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Alpha 18 | Electricity, Power Distribution, & Signals: Help


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I am relatively new to 7DTD's electrical system, however, I do have plenty of programming and electrical experience in real life to apply what I know and attempt to make some cool creations.


My problem is this, I am attempting to create an underground base with automated powered garage doors that open (un-powered) when a motion sensor detects my character and close (powered) when I am not detected. This design is based off of JaWoodle's underground base in the following video, I will link the specific time where he describes how he wires everything up:

Unfortunately, JaWoodle cuts the section of the video where he got all the wiring working noting that it took a lot of trial and error. I think I have surpassed the "trial and error" phase and entered the "destroy everything in frustration" phase.


As I understand it the point of having two battery banks is so that when a signal is detected the lower wattage battery bank powers the system and does not have enough wattage to power the garage doors effectively opening the underground base ramp. However, any way I try to wire up my blocks, either with turrets or lights, I am always faced with the garage doors being powered and the other miscellaneous power drawing blocks un-powered. My assumption is that 7DTD prioritizes powering lower power drawing blocks over higher power drawing blocks. This would explain why despite two turrets being hooked up closer to the battery bank than the garage doors the doors were still powered over the turrets. I can only assume JaWoodle wired his garage doors to the lights and then from the lights to the battery bank thus forcing the lights to be powered first. In my design the lights are on an entirely separate grid to limit unnecessary power draw.


As far as I am aware of there is no way to create a NOT gate in this game. A NOT gate would solve all my problems, only require one battery bank, and not require specific tier batteries. I am not interested in mods at this time, I am sure they are cool, but I would like to work from the confines of vanilla 7DTD for tens of hours before ever jumping into mods.


I am utilizing the signal pass-through for the motion sensors, however, if there is a solution to this problem that utilizes two motion sensors not being connected to each other (cleans up the mess of wires) I will happily take that design despite the probable increase in material cost.


I appreciate any assistance anyone could provide,


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I managed to get the whole thing working using two additional motion sensors to draw the excess wattage. As it is currently set up I have 4 motion sensors hooked up to a battery pack capable of 29 watts (one Tier 1 battery) and 4 garage doors with 5 relays wired to a battery pack also capable of 29 watts (one Tier 1 battery). With the 4 motion sensors taking 20 watts from one battery pack and the 5 relays taking another 5 watts when any one of the motion sensors trigger means there is only 4 watts left to power the garage doors and each door requires 5 watts so it works out.


I hope in the future signals can be carried through relays (via options like that with timer relays) and certain types of relays could accept more than one input for signals. This would greatly improve upon the mess of wires that currently exists. Like I said earlier though, logic gate implementation would also solve all these problems. The more functionality we have with the electrical system the more cool builds players can make.

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