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[HELP] Looking to increase overall number of zombies + during Bloodmoon


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Would someone be kind enough as to explain to me how to increase the overall number of zombies in biomes and the number of zombies that spawn simultaneously during the Blood Moon ?


Overall number: I feel as though there are not enough zombies roaming around during the day / night as I wander around. Most POI feel like ghost towns, except for the 2-3 zombies walking around. I have tried ''Darness Falls mod'', and I really like the number of zombies I saw, but I want to recreate that experience in the vanilla game.


Blood moon count: I have set the maximum of zombies per player to 64 during the blood moon, but I read that there can only be 8 zombies attacking simultaneously during a blood moon. I want to make it so my base is swarmed by a massive amount of zombies during blood moons.


Notes: I am playing co-op with a friend going through ''new game''. We are not running a dedicated server.


Thank you for your help !

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Thank you Bubo ! However, by reading Guppycur's ''Blood Moon Fix'' modlet, it seems it only increases the max zombies, and not the max number of zombies alive, so I wonder if the zombies will keep coming in groups of 8 only. Have you tried it yourself ?

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If you look into entitygroups.xml and spawning.xml you can see that there are values for max alive, which refers to the chunk you are currently in. I once modded it so that there were so many wolves you could barely be in the open for a minute before being mobbed. 😁

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Ok so I managed to increase the number of zombies by editing ''spawn maxcount ='' in ''spawning.xml''. It's working just fine 70% of the time, but for the other 30%, it seems barely any zombies are spawning. Could it be that the spawning rate changes depending of the day or the gamestage ?

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It's part of the game engine where things are only in memory and things are only happening in areas where players are. No need to spawn enemies on the other side of the map. When you enter a different chunk than the one you are in, it rechecks spawning for that area. So, if respawn for deer is set for one day, you will only see a deer once per day if you hang around one area. If you travel a lot, you will see more.

You cant change the way the game works, but you can change the values on spawning.

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