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Item stats - Ranges


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  • 2 weeks later...

The XML file you're looking for is items.xml. Example for Iron Fireaxe is below.


<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="15.1"/>
<passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="perc_add" value=".10" tags="EntityDamage,BlockDamage"/>
<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15"/> <!-- random EntityDmg -->
<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6"/> <!-- tier bonus -->


If I'm reading that correctly (50/50 odds of that), it could be written as:


  1. Iron Fireaxe has a base entity damage of 15.1
  2. Upon item generation, a random amount between -0.15 (-15%) and +0.15 (15%) is added
  3. Each additional level adds between 0.1 (10%) and 0.5 (50%) entity damage (this part does not seem to work this way tho)


This should result in the following ranges (but the game does not match up with this):


[table=width: 300, class: outer_border, align: left]






































When I tested this out, I actually got results that are in line with this behavior for #3 above:


3. Each addtional level adds 0.1 (10%) entity damage (instead of a range of 10-50%)


That would give us this range:


[table=width: 300, class: outer_border, align: left]






































I tested about 40 each of Level 5 and Level 6 axes and the numbers all fell within those ranges. Due to the way it does the calculations, it is not an even distribution. For example most Level 6 axes fall in the 22 & 23 buckets.


Note that the above is for entity damage not block damage. I expect the math works the same for both.

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