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Abrir puertas con lockpicks


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oh boy... did you translate with google or something? It is not understood at all. I don't even understand you in Spanish, are you asking for a modlet? to make a modlet or if anyone has one? Try to be clearer and see, also if you leave the title in Spanish, many people will not look at the post.



hiciste la traduccion con google o algo asi? no se entiende del todo. ni en espaٌol te termino de entender, estas preguntando por un modlet? para hacer un modlet o si alguien tiene uno? trata de ser mas claro y vemos, tambien si dejas el titulo en espaٌol no lo va a mirar mucha gente el post.





more accurated translation would be (maybe lol)


would there be some way to open doors using lockpicks? kind of like in darkness falls, even if they are harder to craft.


give or take.

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but here is for mods, so "7d2d" would be for the vanilla version of the game you have to ask the devs. here at the most you can ask for any modlet made by any modder and include it in your personal game.



pero aca es para mods, osea "los de 7d2d" seria para la version vanilla del juego tenes que pedirlo a los devs. aca como mucho podes preguntar por algun modlet que haya hecho algun modder e incluirlo en tu juego personal.


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