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Hold Crouching = Don't fall from edges


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on the fence about this. I kind of like how dangerous it is. There is no feeling like being high in your tower building with your butt cheeks clinched for 10 minutes straight because the height is so scary and the risks are so great. I am not even scared of heights in the least but on this game, i tense up so much when building tall buildings. It adds to the immersion for me. If i could simply never fall, i think it would be much too easy.
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[QUOTE=CongoBongo;123642]on the fence about this. I kind of like how dangerous it is. There is no feeling like being high in your tower building with your butt cheeks clinched for 10 minutes straight because the height is so scary and the risks are so great. I am not even scared of heights in the least but on this game, i tense up so much when building tall buildings. It adds to the immersion for me. If i could simply never fall, i think it would be much too easy.[/QUOTE] Well its not like you would be able to never fall, I would just like lean buttons so you could get a view of the side of the block. I don't necessarily want something that locks you to the block you are standing on and keeps you from falling. But it is kinda stupid when it takes you forever to inch closer to the edge, hoping you can place that blcok without stepping off. only to overstep by a quarter of an inch and fall to your death. as it is you have to approach edges from an angle to even hope to be able to place your next block. It is more annoying than anything, and if I wanted a super risky experience that scared the crap out of me, I would simply go dance outside with the zombies at night with no weapons.
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yeah i hear ya man. It is a real pain sometimes. I dont inch to the edge any longer. I inch down along the edge at a slight angle until i can see where i need to place the block. Going right towards the edge is how i fell so much. if you move along the edge with that slight angle out you have way less of a chance of falling.
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To be fair I've gotten pretty pro at the angle approach. But would still like to see some sort of "hold this key to not walk off the edge like an idiot." If we could look down and get an actual idea of where our feet were this wouldn't be a problem but as it stands we have no way of telling how far "off" the block we can stand before we fall!
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[QUOTE=CongoBongo;123667]yeah i hear ya man. It is a real pain sometimes. I dont inch to the edge any longer. I inch down along the edge at a slight angle until i can see where i need to place the block. Going right towards the edge is how i fell so much. if you move along the edge with that slight angle out you have way less of a chance of falling.[/QUOTE] That is what I am talking about is such a pain.
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And if holding a "lock my feet" button is too "hello kitty" for the hardcore crowd, how about a simple "next face" button or action so we can cycle through the faces of a placed block to determine where we place the block we're holding? For instance, you look at the block you're standing on, facing out, and you want to place the block you're holding in front of the one you're standing on, either to build a bridge or make a ledge, or whatever. What if the mouse scroll wheel cycled forward through the logical, available faces of the block you're on, such that if it were in the middle of a wall and you were on one side of the wall, there would only be one option, but if it were the top corner piece of a wall and you were standing on the corner block facing the corner, you could cycle through placing it on the left face or right face facing out simply by scrolling?
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Still on the fence because i love a challenge but i hate having most of my deaths from building. I understand all the points made here but i still find it easy enough to angle yourself on the ledge. Especially if you are not in a hurry it should not be too much of a problem. Using the mouse wheel to scroll between block faces might be nice, or some other button maybe since scroll is already used to cycle your hotbar. maybe shift+scroll
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I completely agree, now if this were real life, you would see a ledge, and slowly walk toward it and lean over the edge while holding onto something if you needed to see the side, and you wouldn't fall unless something pushed you. However, this is pc, you push W and you're going as fast as the game makes you go, it would be a little better if it were console with analog sticks on the controllers. But it's not, we need something to counter the lack of control you have in video games, especially pc.
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[QUOTE=lazerblade01;123780]And if holding a "lock my feet" button is too "hello kitty" for the hardcore crowd, how about a simple "next face" button or action so we can cycle through the faces of a placed block to determine where we place the block we're holding? For instance, you look at the block you're standing on, facing out, and you want to place the block you're holding in front of the one you're standing on, either to build a bridge or make a ledge, or whatever. What if the mouse scroll wheel cycled forward through the logical, available faces of the block you're on, such that if it were in the middle of a wall and you were on one side of the wall, there would only be one option, but if it were the top corner piece of a wall and you were standing on the corner block facing the corner, you could cycle through placing it on the left face or right face facing out simply by scrolling?[/QUOTE] I like this idea. They should add something like this to the game, as well as making the placement items glow better so you can see their positioning better. That would be much better than the locking feet option. I do also like the idea of leaning, but would rather have these block placement features instead.
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How about something in between? Let's say we get a mechanic to cling to the edge-button, but it is only reliable if you have full health, stam, etc. The lower your health, stam... well you might get dizzy.. and fall, anyway. This way, you might not always risk hanging over a legde, but also not just walk off it like an idiot either. It will be a gamble, like real life. And if you have a broken leg, the percent to fall should be even higher since you will have awkward balance.
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[QUOTE=tbird11299;124148]This ain't minecraft[/QUOTE] This is Spar... Oh, wait, this is 7 Days to Die. But what is wrong with wanting finer control than we already have? I don't know about a block-lock key, but something that makes it easier to peak over an edge or around a corner would be handy.
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what about using woodframes for scaffolding? they re easy enough to pick up again. i m not totally against that idea, but i don't really think it's necessary. if you can't get the angle right, what i learned to do the hard way, then use wood frames...
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[QUOTE]I completely agree, now if this were real life, you would see a ledge, and slowly walk toward it and lean over the edge while holding onto something if you needed to see the side, and you wouldn't fall unless something pushed you. [/QUOTE] Yes, but in real life there are a lot of factors working against you which just aren't in the scope of the game...wind, slipperiness of the surface, faulty equipment, health issues, and for most of us...inexperience. In real life, as you say, you'd be very cautious when approaching a ledge. Rather than creating a bridge-building simulator, just be very cautious in game too. I never knew that there was "edge protection" in Minecraft. Frankly, the pucker-factor when placing blocks at the end of the 1000's of linear blocks of track I built in an enclosed monorail, or being lost in underground mines made the game intense for me. I'd never want to change that....BUT, I'd not be against a toggle on this of course. -Morloc
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[QUOTE=legolas141;123636]yes some sort of lean feature would be nice,...[/QUOTE] Is'nt the game announced to support the Oculus Rift at some point? With the DK2 they someday have to implement the possibility to lean forward while standing still, because of the IR-cam that comes with the rift and is providing these features.
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