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ERRRRR? What is this patch?


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Warning: Do not overload your forge (>30k) by smelting in new resources while queueing up recipes and cancelling them. This will likely result in a chunk reset and part of your base will be gone. A fix will be deployed to experimental soon.


Firm pass on this patch then. O.o


Bedrolls dont prevent zed spawning?

... Oook, so is it or is it not a defence game?

Cuz now we have zombies spawning in our base... xD

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Warning: Do not overload your forge (>30k) by smelting in new resources while queueing up recipes and cancelling them. This will likely result in a chunk reset and part of your base will be gone. A fix will be deployed to experimental soon.


Firm pass on this patch then. O.o


Bedrolls dont prevent zed spawning?

... Oook, so is it or is it not a defence game?

Cuz now we have zombies spawning in our base... xD


Same here and am writing up a bug report as we talk. I went back to my base that had a landclaim. boom poi filled with zombies again. Guess no taking over poi's until a patch or hotfix is released. :(

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This. I'm glad they've brought this back finally. Too many people hiding in POIs. Now they need to get out there and build a base. I welcome this change.


Eh, I have nerfed the Demo explosion down to something that is merely a cop zombie on steroids so this is no longer worrisome.

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9/10 people will just drive around on motorcycles to bypass raid.

100% no point in even trying to defend a spot anymore.


This makes the game even harder early and I can promise; people will not play this and will gripe.


Its fine to make the game harder for vets.

SOOOOOOOOO many people pass on this game due to the early game difficulty that flatly falls off like a stone as you gain levels- the game just becomes too easy.

It needs be reverse. lmao.


Tho, to be fair if you wana just manipulate this system, make a bunch of frames and just put them all over the POI so the zed spawn blocks cannot trigger due to having something over them.

This 'fix' is flat out useless, pointless and unfun. lol


You can also go OG on it and just remove the floor/roof of the PoI to disable the zed spawn blocks and replace them with your own which NEVER have zed spawners in them.

We have LITERALLY been here, done this before. All this does is prevent taking over of concrete buildings (that you couldnt repair anyway) for the first two-three weeks. It absolutely prevents nobody and nothing from using PoIs as frames still.

We have been here, done this before pointless and ineffective.


Please, make the game harder for veterans.

Please, do not make the game unplayable if you are a noob...


The game needs difficulty multipliers AFTER the first 14 days. Not during the first 14. (demolishers were a GOOD addition for this)

This games early game and learning curve are cancer for newbies... This change just compounds these problems.

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Landclaims have never affected zombies. That was a bad tooltip.

Bedrolls prevent zombie spawning- but now, do not.


Regardless, this is all intended. Not a bug. Cept the forge.


- - - Updated - - -


Same here and am writing up a bug report as we talk. I went back to my base that had a landclaim. boom poi filled with zombies again. Guess no taking over poi's until a patch or hotfix is released. :(
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