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Payback for those mean traders


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Do you hate visiting those traders that are constantly mean to you? The worst part is that they are immortal and you can't do any damage to them. So they can continue to be jerk faces with no repercussions. You could put blocks around their entire base or dig a moat all around down to bedrock. This way they can't get any more customers but that won't stop them. I have found the best solution to this. Take a baseball bat with a chain and weighted mod to their dome. You won't do any damage but they will still be knocked over. Take this small victory and go forth my friends. Teach these traders that even if it's the apocalypse there is no excuse for being a jerk face.

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I led a zombie into one of their trailers and closed the door behind me so he could practice his manners until I had a chance to come back. When I came back a few days later, the zombie was still there. It didn’t work out as the trader was still rude and the zombie got a swipe in at me.

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