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Drop On Death current values?


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So apparently the values for "DropOnDeath" have changed in the update, so whats the correct value now if I want it to drop backpack only?


I dont really want to go test it out on the server because of the death penalties, and if I just choose it randomly Im afraid it will change into "delete all".



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All the values are listed right there in the serverconfig file.


<property name="DropOnDeath"					value="1" />				<!-- 0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only, 4 = delete all -->


Thanks, and I know, but the values seemed to be wrong on my configs (rented server) because it dropped everything when I had set it to drop backpack only.


But maybe I made a mistake or the values didnt update... I have since changed the host though, because they were pretty terrible overall.

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I'm having the same problem. Just rented a server and while the game is reading all the other values in my config (like ports and passwords), setting it to 2 for "backpack only" isn't working and it's still dropping "toolbelt only". Then I realize, the config file hint text is wrong. It doesn't include the 0 option so everything is shifted.

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