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New or old Error


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Good Evening, have since 1-3 days an Error ingame.


1. start game, it loads than console pops up with nothing all white. close it, load goes on.


Some seconds later this came on screen uma-error.jpg.111ecc6b363deebe5ed72fd6f7362974.jpg , i never had senn this before.


2. shutdown the game and try find out with lu where the things is wron, but nothing.


3 Start New Game, New World it will be there. What is It ?

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Hallِchen, ich antworte mal deutsch zur besseren Verstنndigung ;) Such bitte in deinem Gamefolder das outputlog.txt, lade es bei PasteBin hoch und poste dann den Link hier. Das sollte die Fehlersuche erleichtern.


Please look for the outputlog.txt in your game folder, upload it to PasteBin and post the link here. This would help to find your issue.

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