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Alpha 18.1 XP and Levels ?


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I'm trying to understand what they said by:



Create a function to lock xp amount required to a specific amount at a certain level


However, I'm not sure where that's at? It's certainly not in the menu, and I tried to look in the progression.xml but I didn't notice too much about it there.

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I'm trying to understand what they said by:


Create a function to lock xp amount required to a specific amount at a certain level

However, I'm not sure where that's at? It's certainly not in the menu, and I tried to look in the progression.xml but I didn't notice too much about it there.

As FranticDan mentioned, this is in the new experimental.


In the current A18 stable you need about 1.3million exp to get to level 100, level 200 requires 3billion exp, level 250 is 39billion, then at level 252 you get capped at a max of 2,147,483,648 exp per level so it's another 103,079,215,104 exp to get to level 300. Cumulatively it's about 147 billion which is basically impossible.


In the newer experimental the exp clamps at level 60 which is about 186,791 experience so it only requires ~46 million exp to get to level 300. I didn't math this one out properly but here's the line in the new progression.xml:

<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="10000" experience_multiplier="1.05" skill_points_per_level="1" clamp_exp_cost_at_level="60">


So it's no longer practically impossible but it'll still take ages.

For example if you did this purely through building you'd need to make a ~100,000 block concrete structure from scratch with wood frames.

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Thanks for the clarification! Went and looked again and I had looked over that line in the .xml


So you can change the EXP to whatever you're desired level is? ie: if you clamped it to level 2, for example each level would only require the XP required to get from 1 to 2?

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