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10 Slot Toolbelt! (A18)


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Thanks @KhaineGB! I also contacted Sirillion and he gave me the go ahead, so here it is:




And the direct download link is here:




Just download it, drop it in your mods folder, and you're good to go!


Notes for newbies to modding:


The mod has to be loaded AFTER 10 Slot Toolbelt and SMX. It should do so by default since it's named ZMX, which loads after both.


Also, the mod obviously won't work unless you have KhaineGB's 10 Slot Toolbelt mod compiled and installed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just pushed an update for this today!


You know the issue with slots 9 and 10 not remembering what items you had there? So say you put wood frames in slot 10, then made more frames they'd just go in another slot or your backpack?


Yeah, fixed it. ;)


EDIT: Just tested the repair as well. That worked too.


However I did need a new save... for some reason. Not sure why.

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so I get an error message when I try to build with dmt, ive verified files through steam im using smx with the ui patch and a few other mods, i just have the ui and your mods checked


Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

at LocalisationTable.AddRow(String[] newColumns, String[] newRow)

at LocalisationTable.Merge(LocalisationTable table)

at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.PatchTextFile(PatchDat a data, String sourcePath, String destPath, String patchFilePath)

at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.Patch(PatchData data)

at DMT.PatchData.Patch()

at DMTViewer.Program.Main(String[] args)


process exited with error code -532462766



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Don't know why but I can't download this modlet from the Mod Luncher. I press download and it says, "validating git repository" then a micro second later says, "download complete" but it never actually downloads anything.

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