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phantom objects


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idk where to report bugs now that the game is supposedly stable but...


i have been having a recurring issue with doors, workstations dissappearing and becoming phantom shadows.. they still work but its really a pain to look at... i have checked with many people in fb groups dedicated to the game and there are a lot of people experiencing this.. we have replaced drivers, done whole OS reinstalls, driver reinstalls, game reinstalls it happens on both ATI and Nvidia.. this isnt a localized or simple problem.. and ideas? i cant give screens but i can provide video if wanted... however i warn you my vids showing such are very language intensive as this is VERY annoying

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Not sure, if it is the same as what you're describing, but I recently had a pot plant that if I placed it in a specific corner, it would be invisible. It was there though - I could pick it up. When I placed it elsewhere, it was visible, so it wasn't the plant. Also when I placed a different pot plant in the same corner, it was visible, so it wasn't the corner either.

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