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7DTD - Server saves keep getting corrupted - ppl cant relog...


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Hello there!

Im facing a huge problem here, i have a server running with a few ppl playing since the latest alpha.. now we having problems with the DB i believe.. once in a while ppl one of the profiles gets corrupted and the player cant log in anymore...

Some of the times we created new caracters others we are able to restore a backup, but then it happens again to another caracter... and we cant figure what and how it happens... today 2 weren't able to reconnect... and we are a bit lost now...


We have the map on Navezgane and usually 5/6 play at same time but we have 12 players



Hope someone can get us a solution... everyone on stand by atm

Thank you all!



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  • 2 months later...

Ok guys struggling with the same problem here... everyone is playing and suddenly someone says he cant log in, we check the players list and that player shows as online! Next we can only delete caracter and create a new one, because he cant ever ever ever log again!

The server is running in my place and the specifications are:


Core i9 9900K

64Gb DDR4 3000

2x SSD 250GB

Windows 10 Pro


Everything was reset, fresh start.. still same problem:(

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