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Constant Bow Reload


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Hi there TFP


I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour, so thought I'd ask here before submitting a bug.


I have a bow and a javelin in my hotbar which I switch between in combat. Every time I switch to the bow, I have to press r to select arrows. In previous alphas, the only time you needed to re-select your arrows is if you upgraded your bow or ran out of arrows, but in A18, it seems I need to reselect them every time.


I'm hoping this is not intended?

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I have the same impression.


Essentially if you shoot your bow and immediately change to the javelin you interrupt the reload of the bow.


The bug seems to be that you (often?) can't just hit "R", you have to really keep "R" pressed to go to the reload radial menue and select your type of arrow again. That should not be neccessary.


If you do a bug report, make sure you had a loaded bow before, did not upgrade, and could not reload by simply hitting 'R'. Just stating the obvious because I never checked if that was the case when encountering this bug.

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Not having had to re-select ammo type a single time outside of actually swapping ammo types, I'd say that would be a bug.


The "normal" cancelling of the reload is annoying as it is, I'm still getting something like one in three, one in four "oops, forgot to reload"s on my sneak attacks. That part is intended, but if there was an option to auto-reload an empty bow when re-equipped, I'd take it.. :)

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