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Here's what needs to be fixed in later patches.


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Here's my list of things that needs to be fixed in later patches.


(1) ZOMBIES NEED TO BE MORE OF A THREAT. expecially at night time.


(2) when I go to a building to loot here's the issue. There's no challenge because there's few zombies inside the buildings only a few of sleeping ones but they are soo easy to deal with. Weres the challenge in that. I thought this was a zombie survival sandbox game,not a shooting zombie simulator?


(3) Night time is no longer scary/dangerous because there's less zombies spawning. Night time is supposed to give that felling of being careful and watching your back. Now it's basically not a challenge/dangerous anymore:(


(4) inside buildings there needs to be more zombies and not sleeping ones whoever heard of a zombie sleeping anyways? Ever heard of movies were zombies are a big threat why not this game zombies don't even sleep there already dead. Sleeping zombies should be replaced with awake ones to make it tougher to get loot.



Plz consider to fix these issues in later patches thx:)

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In A17 there were far more zombies inside POIs. However a combat specced player could still easily own them, there were still not enough.


Unfortunately a bunch of cry-babies who were not combat specced, or just sucked, or were too proud to lower the difficulty (I'm not sure which, possibly them all) whined that it was too many and clearing POIs took too much time and ammo. We even had players with no points in combat skills complaining that they couldn't just walk in and loot everywhere they pleased!! Amazingly the devs listened to these terri-bads and nerfed the hell out of the zombies, and this has resulted in the snooze-fest you are now playing.


My jaw hit the floor when I read they were reducing zombie numbers in A18....there were already far too few.

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In A17 there were far more zombies inside POIs. However a combat specced player could still easily own them, there were still not enough.

Then if those complained so can we:) who ever heard of sleeping zombies zombies don't sleep. We need to buff the zombies.

Unfortunately a bunch of cry-babies who were not combat specced, or just sucked, or were too proud to lower the difficulty (I'm not sure which, possibly them all) whined that it was too many and clearing POIs took too much time and ammo. We even had players with no points in combat skills complaining that they couldn't just walk in and loot everywhere they pleased!! Amazingly the devs listened to these terri-bads and nerfed the hell out of the zombies, and this has resulted in the snooze-fest you are now playing.


My jaw hit the floor when I read they were reducing zombie numbers in A18....there were already far too few.

we have to give our own complaints so that they add these back asp. Buff the zombies buff the zombies. Who's with me?
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