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the walking dead


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In our last game (at the end of 17, didnt try 18 so far) we used some special settings.


64 zombies per player

max zombies alive 800

always walk

ferals jog

bloodmoon horde speed jog

replaced every radiated zombie with feral version of it


This is 4 player coop as neighbours side by side bases. With this settings i have seen my very first horde. There are around 300 zombies on my screen with minimal framedrops the most time.


Now the problems:


This is fun but not enjoyable in long term. The extreme hordes are bulletsponges. I quadrupled the outcome of ammocrafting to compensate the tedious gunpowder grind. We added steel casing bullets to the turret as ammo.

The walking or jogging horde is just to easy so i added some special zombies.

Radiated spiderzombie with slightly more health, the model from the copzombie and jumprange 20 blocks

radiated zombiewight, more dogs, zombiewight radiated crawlers, fatmama with tons HP and such stuff. This makes it better, only walking hordes are to easy to outrun.


I think about setting up our next server in 18 with kinda the same settings. Extreme amount of max alive, 64 per player and remove the green ones (i dont like them at all, just some special versions are ok imo), just walking dead hordes.



I dont like running zombies at all too. It looks better in 18 so far. In 17 the are so fast they cant even hit you, they cant control their own speed, i just used machete because of that.

Do you have some suggestions to improve the gameplay in this scenario?

Maybe some cool and easy to do zombie mod ideas, what are you modding for same kind of problems in your game?

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It would be awesome if there were game options for those mechanics. I would turn down body damage to 1/20 th or something similar, and increase head shot damage by like 5x.


That would make it more like a traditional zombie kill.... An arrow or knife to the head will kill a zombie, but 20 arrows to the body would just slow it down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like a fun mode. Honestly fire arms and ammo should be scarce in a mode like this so the horde is something that cant be easily overcome (especially with radiated removed and special removed). Early gameplay would consist mostly avoiding the hordes while maybe by late gameplay it's where your able to make a stand.


Edit: POI distrution: 10% dungeon 95

90% ruins. No traders. Loot abundance 50%. No runners. Zombie Block damage reduced. Higher tiered crafting removed or locked until late game somehow (e.g. large quantity cement/flagstone production)

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In our last game (at the end of 17, didnt try 18 so far) we used some special settings.


64 zombies per player

max zombies alive 800

always walk

ferals jog

bloodmoon horde speed jog

replaced every radiated zombie with feral version of it


Sounds awesome. How did it run? Lots of lag, or no?

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Working on my smurfs VS humans rules.


The rules:

Smurfs have blue skin. This is from the colloidal silver that they eat to prevent being zombies.

Smurfs are to shoot all humans on sight. Skin of blue, the correct hue; skin not blue we will kill you.

Smurfs do not cuss, they must substitute all swears with smurf.

Smurfs will sing the raiding song when raiding.

Smurfs do not hurt other smurfs.

Smurfs OBEY papa smurf.

Papa smuf wears red, only red. If it is not red, papa smurf can not wear it.

No Smurf will ever lock ANYTHING EVER in smurf village.

No Smurf will deviate from their assigned role.

The only smurf not allowed to kill humans is extortion smurf, extortion smurf is there to extort non smurfs.


Gargamel is advised to wear black, and to attack smurf village.

Gargamel is recommended to be bald and have a big nose.

Gargamel is encouraged to trap pois, to spawn camp, and to do any trolling he is so desired.

For every smurf killed by gargamel, the server admin needs to give gargamel 20 gold nuggets.


I am still working on the rules. But it should make for a crazy shennigans filled pvp experience.

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Working on my smurfs VS humans rules.


The rules:

Smurfs have blue skin. This is from the colloidal silver that they eat to prevent being zombies.

Smurfs are to shoot all humans on sight. Skin of blue, the correct hue; skin not blue we will kill you.

Smurfs do not cuss, they must substitute all swears with smurf.

Smurfs will sing the raiding song when raiding.

Smurfs do not hurt other smurfs.

Smurfs OBEY papa smurf.

Papa smuf wears red, only red. If it is not red, papa smurf can not wear it.

No Smurf will ever lock ANYTHING EVER in smurf village.

No Smurf will deviate from their assigned role.

The only smurf not allowed to kill humans is extortion smurf, extortion smurf is there to extort non smurfs.


Gargamel is advised to wear black, and to attack smurf village.

Gargamel is recommended to be bald and have a big nose.

Gargamel is encouraged to trap pois, to spawn camp, and to do any trolling he is so desired.

For every smurf killed by gargamel, the server admin needs to give gargamel 20 gold nuggets.


I am still working on the rules. But it should make for a crazy shennigans filled pvp experience.


Man, what are you smoking? Lol....

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Man, what are you smoking? Lol....


I am quite drug free.




I was forward deployed for a VERY long time. So my sanity is a bit far gone, either from being enlisted or i had to be crazy to enlist, one of the too. Also my imagination is quite over developed.




I found that on pvp servers some rule constrictions make games more fun. It's like that in any game. And when i started playing with the new character editor awhile back, and realized i could make blue skin i got some crazy ideas. Originally i thought about rouge trooper but then i realized a crazy cultist scenario would fit better.


So yeah, imagine a pvp game where half the players are blue skinned crazy but proven right doomsday cultists, and the other half have to survive both the zombie hordes and the crazy cultists.

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