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Where to find ore in A18 SOLVED!


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After much looking and rooting around in the deep XMLs of the game, I found the information we have all been looking for and can link locations for proof!


7d2d A18 has biomes on 3 layers of the game as oposed to other versions.


Ground layer (The layer you spawn on)

layer 1 (Up to 3 blocks deep I ASSUME this is true as this is where treasures are hidden)

All else below.


Just like RWG randomizes biomes, so too is it now true for underground.

Certain biomes still favor certain resources but due to the mixing of biomes in I think A17,

its alot less stright forward visually than it used to be since some of the biomes (Desert and wasteland) are now two biomes in one thus- why its been so hard to find resources (COAL!)


In your 7d2d files, search for the "biomes.xml" without the quotes.

You will note the above information plus the statistic probability of each resources spawning.


Iron Ore default value: 0.65 or 65%

The default value for any resources to spawn is 0.2851 or 28.5% chance.


The value for favored resource to spawn is 0.4551 or 45.5%


Favored resource list plus description of biome as follows:

Iron: Static 65%, favored by none.

Lead:<!-- Pine Forest: Sub Biome Clustered Flowers and Boulders -->

Nitrate:<!-- Snow: Sub Biome grass and Blueberries -->

Coal:<!-- Burnt Forest: Sub Biome Thick Grass and Shrubs -->


Note: For coal, I think its not just a wasteland biome like in a city but the biome that has alot of burnt trees in it and not JUST shrubs for above-ground nodes. The rest, you have to just mine and pray you come across.


Also to note: Me and my buddy have reason to think that the closer to bedrock you mine a resource, the more resource you get per swing.

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Note: For coal, I think its not just a wasteland biome like in a city but the biome that has alot of burnt trees in it and not JUST shrubs for above-ground nodes. The rest, you have to just mine and pray you come across.


Can you expand on the last sentence a bit? All ore types are signaled by surface nodes, and there are veins beneath them. Are you suggesting to build random mines to hunt for ores, hoping you find a vein under ground? Why not use the nodes?

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After spawning in Pine Forest in Pregen01 I spent what felt like months wrenching cars in multiple cities for Gas and then one day I stumbled across a desert biome and, hallelujah, oil shale deposits were littered around the place like confetti. After collecting about 8k oil shale I went back to my base where I turned it into multitudes of Gas using my Chem Station and never went to the desert biome again. The end.

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All nodes have veins but not all veins have nodes.


Makes sense. I have found so many nodes though that I can't imagine a Minecraft-like branch mine is worth the effort. Of course a) I'm only playing 2-player co-op and our resource needs aren't heavy and b) we don't have an auger yet so picking through rock is not an appealing thought. In A15 (console) I'd dig mines in each biome searching for ores. Not so much now (or since the gravel patches were added).


It may be that in later game stages we'll tap out all the nearby node-based veins and have to go digging.

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Can you expand on the last sentence a bit? All ore types are signaled by surface nodes, and there are veins beneath them. Are you suggesting to build random mines to hunt for ores, hoping you find a vein under ground? Why not use the nodes?


The code states that yes, you can find nodes above ground as everyone says but it is NOT required to find a node above ground.

You actually have the same chance of finding the nodes underground as above ground and, lets say you are looking specifically for lead eh?

Lead has 2x appearance chance in a pine forest biome as oposed to any other biome.


Also, you do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT have to find any node above ground. You can just DIG and KNOW you are eventually going to run into another deposit.


Also to note; big coal deposits are much more rare to find nodes above ground than below because their favored biome is the wasteland and the wasteland (usually) has a layer of destroyed rubble on it- preventing you from just finding coal by looking for nodes as easily as any other resource in the game.


Just dig at a slight downward angle till bedrock then branch out and you WILL find nodes for ALL resources- eventually and at the same rate as if you were just looking for nodes above ground.

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Makes sense. I have found so many nodes though that I can't imagine a Minecraft-like branch mine is worth the effort. Of course a) I'm only playing 2-player co-op and our resource needs aren't heavy and b) we don't have an auger yet so picking through rock is not an appealing thought. In A15 (console) I'd dig mines in each biome searching for ores. Not so much now (or since the gravel patches were added).


It may be that in later game stages we'll tap out all the nearby node-based veins and have to go digging.


Its definately not that bad xD


But this information is REALLY good if you are in gamestage 100ish and just NEED to spam thousands of rounds of ammo to survive blood moon seeing as you need 3000 powder for 1000 rounds that are not 9mm or worse.

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As an example of what I would do for clarification purposes;

1: 'Prospect my mine'

Im legit just going to go into a favored biome if possible and dig a mine. I dont care about where the deposit nodes are at this time.

(I usually only use favored biome for coal and nitrate)


2: As I dig, I look for sand that indicates deposits and find whats there, marking on my map where the ore deposits are located in my tunnel/mine

Eventually, the mine will contain all resources.


3:Dig the resources I want and leave when I get bored.- I never have to look for nodes above ground again- i just dig elsewhere in my tunnels, repeating this process.

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