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It would be nice to know Which version supersedes which A18 stable or A18.1 ..etc


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I don't mind playing experimental versions.

I would like to play the newest version available.

Are experimental versions still a thing. Will they continue to be upgraded?

Or is A18 stable the latest and the greatest.

Really don't know which one to set my steam library to.

Would be nice if it said something about that on the steam library front page.

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I don't mind playing experimental versions.

I would like to play the newest version available.

Are experimental versions still a thing. Will they continue to be upgraded?

Or is A18 stable the latest and the greatest.

Really don't know which one to set my steam library to.

Would be nice if it said something about that on the steam library front page.


If you always want to play the newest version, set steam to "latest experimental" and just keep that setting. AFAIK there never was a stable that was newer than the experimental, there were only some stables who were identical to the previous exp. So the only thing newer on them was the release date.

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