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Hoes- For gardening


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Id like to suggest the following for gardening in general:


Allow hoes to make plantable ground anywhere.

Make garden plots grow in a shorter amount of time. Say, -20-30% grow time and increase the nitrate costs.


This way we will be able to start a garden wherever we like and still have a use for these garden plots.


It genuinely feels like building towards gardening at all is just a complete waste due to lack of resources needed to create the plots.

And yeah, I know using the harvester perk gets you extra rotten meat and so does just flat killing zed animals but... Why?

That should be if you are trying to optimize your garden or grow in bulk/speed.

The basics of gardening should be reverted back to the way it was before plots.

Hell, id even accept only harvesting 1 item from planted crop unless its in a garden plot just to have my hoes back man...

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hoes made gardens so trivial. by day 7 you had enough food to feed you for eternity.


Well, why trade one extreme for the other? .......

Now gardens are so trivial, they are useless.

Definately not worth the effort.


Hence why I asked for adjustments.

Hoe=1unit of harvest period.

Plot=As currently sits and/or with bonuses.


Since we need 4 to make a seed plus hella invested perks, it would be perfectly balanced to do this way.

Itd be useful at all stages as well.

Not to mention all low level food was NERFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD badly in the A17/18 update.

Example:Cornbread (The one everyone used to survive ez by day 7) was nerfed from 10hp/food to 4 and no hp and requires boiled water.

Double recipie cost, 60%+ stat nerf.

All low tier, easy to produce food is now this way.


To make corn to make bread you would need about 20 corn to make into 5 seeds to make 5 units of bread every 3 days? Assuming you have the extra water needed too? lmaooo. Yeah, thats SUPER over powered now...

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hoes made gardens so trivial. by day 7 you had enough food to feed you for eternity.


Getting enough food without a garden is not a big problem. Just do some buried supplies quests for the trader. This way you get food and money to buy more food from the vending machines. And since canned food doesn't give you food poisoning, it's even safer than food you cook yourself.

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Getting enough food without a garden is not a big problem. Just do some buried supplies quests for the trader. This way you get food and money to buy more food from the vending machines. And since canned food doesn't give you food poisoning, it's even safer than food you cook yourself.


Exactly. So why is gardening so hard when it shouldnt be? :/

You can feed yourself as soon as you get a firearm and can raid shamways/grocery stores now.

Or, just go for the air drops and feed yourself for 3-5 days.

Why cant I feed one person by week 1 with gardening?

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hoes made gardens so trivial. by day 7 you had enough food to feed you for eternity.


Yeah IMO farming was a bit too easy in A17. Im on day 8, and have 10 farm plots going and can build 4 more. Plus you can set up farms at multiple POIs if you want .The real problem is shortage of seed recipes drops if anything.

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Really what they should do is to make it so that both canned and fresh foods have the food poisoning risk.

Cooking basic recipes that include only farmed ingredients, only hunted/gathered ingredients, or only canned ingredients could reduce the percentage by a little.

Cooking the best advanced recipes involving all ingredient types should give the 0% risk.


If you want 0% you need to hunt a little, you need to farm a little, you need to loot a little.

A simple concept that aligns with survival progression and ensures that all the content involving food is seen and utilized by all players.

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Really what they should do is to make it so that both canned and fresh foods have the food poisoning risk.

Cooking basic recipes that include only farmed ingredients, only hunted/gathered ingredients, or only canned ingredients could reduce the percentage by a little.

Cooking the best advanced recipes involving all ingredient types should give the 0% risk.


If you want 0% you need to hunt a little, you need to farm a little, you need to loot a little.

A simple concept that aligns with survival progression and ensures that all the content involving food is seen and utilized by all players.

Fully agree. I was thinking of a systematic food poisoning today and ... you have expressed it much more clearly than I could have done.

Prepared food also has other benefits than simple satiety, so it may be interesting that canned food causes disease... say... less annoying.

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Really what they should do is to make it so that both canned and fresh foods have the food poisoning risk.

Cooking basic recipes that include only farmed ingredients, only hunted/gathered ingredients, or only canned ingredients could reduce the percentage by a little.

Cooking the best advanced recipes involving all ingredient types should give the 0% risk.


If you want 0% you need to hunt a little, you need to farm a little, you need to loot a little.

A simple concept that aligns with survival progression and ensures that all the content involving food is seen and utilized by all players.


Not sure if i would like to play with that, but have to admit it is a jolly good idea anyway.

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Yeah, it could be harsh if things aren't moved around so that at least some good recipes are unlocked very early.

Adding fishing to the game might help when the animals just aren't spawning enough for whatever reason.

Vending machines surplus the canned goods stock enough already.

Making sure that every map has some minimum number of farm POIs, and making sure the trader has some minimum stock of crops would stabilize the balance more.

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Yeah IMO farming was a bit too easy in A17. Im on day 8, and have 10 farm plots going and can build 4 more. Plus you can set up farms at multiple POIs if you want .The real problem is shortage of seed recipes drops if anything.


Farming is not really difficult or challenging in A18. It's just a lot of grinding to collect all the rotted meat.


I can drive along any road on the map and pick up any roadkill I can find. And since the vultures attack me anyway when I'm sitting on the bike, I can harvest them right away. It's just not fun.

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I think farming is in the best position it's ever been in, ever.


Is farming necessary? Nope, fairly easy to survive on found food (for SP anyway, spending most days out and about).


Is farming immediately leading to a massive over-supply of food? Nope, if you do wanna farm it takes time to build the plots up and unperked the yields don't provide a massive and immediate over-abundance of food.


Is farming easy to do once it is setup? Ayup, don't even have to re-plant the seeds any more.


Imho, never been better.

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I'd agree with Oz, the farming feels in a decent spot imho.. it'll take a longer game to get entirely fed by your farm, but if you want it, you'll get there.


What I have trouble digesting related to farming is the level curve, and as a smaller thing the current food poisoning mechanic.


The level curve makes the farming talents quite unappealing - once you've set up your farm, those are pretty much wasted points, and those points are valuable even on day 40, much more so later. I suppose I'll start planning my long games with a Fergettin' Elixir as a waypoint.


The food poisoning, the whole thing is off and backwards. Sure I get that it's meant to support the loot-only playstyle, and that style (possibly) can't afford an inconvenient hurl, but .. eating old rations is better than freshly killed and grilled deer with some fresh baked goods? The easiest-to-get food (you literally just run into the cans in the houses your guns are in) is the best, while complicated crafts are less good? Just makes no sense either for reality or for gaming effort-reward.

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I think farming is in the best position it's ever been in, ever.


Is farming necessary? Nope, fairly easy to survive on found food (for SP anyway, spending most days out and about).


Is farming immediately leading to a massive over-supply of food? Nope, if you do wanna farm it takes time to build the plots up and unperked the yields don't provide a massive and immediate over-abundance of food.


Is farming easy to do once it is setup? Ayup, don't even have to re-plant the seeds any more.


Imho, never been better.


I see it the other way around.


If farming is not necessary, many will ignore it. It is also not the case that one could waste a lot of points. So you will have to decide whether to put points in "Living of the Land" or not.


There is currently no incentive to create a garden and if you think about doing it it is connected with a lot of grinding which is not much fun.

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There is currently no incentive to create a garden and if you think about doing it it is connected with a lot of grinding which is not much fun.


I can think of a few.


1) Dont have to travel to the desert for long aloe gathering trips

2) Can have ingredients to make more efficient foods out of your stockpile of meat.

3) Higher stat foods lessen the pain of eating a bunch to recover if you get sick

4) Corn for making grain alcohol

5) More food means I dont have to constantly spend dukes and make daily trips to some vending machines.


Also, not much grinding, u need bones anyway so you are automatically collecting rotten flesh even if you dont plan to garden. None of the other ingredients are a grind.


Oh ya not to mention stuff like moonshine and learning elixirs, pretty sure those need some kind of farming ingredients. I havent got Into making stuff like that yet, but if I find a recipe for them or whatever, It would definitely be helpful to have a supply of whatever they need to be made. (those might be perk only I am not sure, just added it on whim)

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I see it the other way around.


If farming is not necessary, many will ignore it. It is also not the case that one could waste a lot of points. So you will have to decide whether to put points in "Living of the Land" or not.


There is currently no incentive to create a garden and if you think about doing it it is connected with a lot of grinding which is not much fun.


I'd reply with my own points, but Maynard69 summed them up real well, so basically "wot he sed". :-)

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I can think of a few.


1) Dont have to travel to the desert for long aloe gathering trips

2) Can have ingredients to make more efficient foods out of your stockpile of meat.

3) Higher stat foods lessen the pain of eating a bunch to recover if you get sick

4) Corn for making grain alcohol

5) More food means I dont have to constantly spend dukes and make daily trips to some vending machines.


Also, not much grinding, u need bones anyway so you are automatically collecting rotten flesh even if you dont plan to garden. None of the other ingredients are a grind.


Oh ya not to mention stuff like moonshine and learning elixirs, pretty sure those need some kind of farming ingredients. I havent got Into making stuff like that yet, but if I find a recipe for them or whatever, It would definitely be helpful to have a supply of whatever they need to be made. (those might be perk only I am not sure, just added it on whim)


Completely agree. All the main points are my reasons for having my own farm. In A16 and A17 I had huge and I mean ginormous farms (eg 300-400 of *each* crop each harvest). A18 because of farm plots I get nowhere near as much food per harvest, but I still never have to worry about food in the game. I can focus more on other things...

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By the way, is there a recipe to use super corn ? I planted a dozen but don't know what to do with my harvest ^^ ?

And did anyone find pumpkin recipes? They pile up in my cellar and hinder the passage ...


I dont remember if there is any recipe for super corn, but it is pretty good to eat raw (I think +20)

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Using gardening plots is a necessary step to somewhat balance out food production.

And make gardening a rewarding but not necessary specialization.


At any rate, the food currently is better than A17. For the first 2 weeks I never had an oversupply, but also never a total lack.

There was always effort needed to get food.


The vending machines are always a fallback...

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Well, why trade one extreme for the other? .......

Now gardens are so trivial, they are useless.

Definately not worth the effort.


Hence why I asked for adjustments.

Hoe=1unit of harvest period.

Plot=As currently sits and/or with bonuses.


Since we need 4 to make a seed plus hella invested perks, it would be perfectly balanced to do this way.

Itd be useful at all stages as well.

Not to mention all low level food was NERFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD badly in the A17/18 update.

Example:Cornbread (The one everyone used to survive ez by day 7) was nerfed from 10hp/food to 4 and no hp and requires boiled water.

Double recipie cost, 60%+ stat nerf.

All low tier, easy to produce food is now this way.


To make corn to make bread you would need about 20 corn to make into 5 seeds to make 5 units of bread every 3 days? Assuming you have the extra water needed too? lmaooo. Yeah, thats SUPER over powered now...


Corn cob is more efficient and faster than cornbread. Craft it only for the recipe

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I like the new farm plot. You need a bit time to get enough rotten flesh to craft them (could be a bit easier to obtain them), but overall I think they add a bit difficulty to farming.

There is only one part about food in general I don't like at the moment: You are always better off with canned food because it doesn't give you food poisoning. I really don't know why I would get food poisoning from baked potatoes and in real life it's healthier to eat selfmade food than canned sh*t. I am by no means a good cook, but I got never food poisoning from food that I cooked. It's somewhat annoying to think about if it's worth to eat a grilled meat.

But besides this I like it how it is.

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Thanks ;) I guess I'll remove the plants because I've better things to eat than a strange modified maïs that made a nice pig a green and dangerous one.



While you clearly RP here, I'll add to the mechanics; it's not just excellent for Food, it stacks a whopping +20 Health too. Have a stack on you and stop caring about med kits.

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I made a 5x5 garden. It's pretty and also completely useless because I have the secret shamway recipe, and there seems to be enough canned food from loot alone.


Another fine TFP balance pass.

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