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Horrible performance in A18


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And neither the forum nor the devs need you making yet another thread about what obviously is a big issue.


Now, if you had joined one of the other threads and shared actual info about your situation (computer specs, settings, situation in which the fps issues arise most sharply), then that would be helpful and worthwhile. As it is, it is clear that you just wanted to whine. Sorry not sorry for calling you out on it.

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Jedo I don't need a passive aggressive reply for a game breaking issue. They have limited time and resources so certain bugs will be fixed and others won't. They can't fix everything at once certain bugs take priority over others.


EDIT: Ooops I some how read that all wrong LMAO...i just woke up nevermind lol... Still he is not being passive aggressive just being rude and confrontational towards you.




He is not being passive aggressive.






of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.



I'll use myself as an example of being passive aggressive. Here is me being passive aggressive towards Roland like an a-hole. Luckely Roland was the bigger man than me and with his mature response, I apologized and felt bad. This is being passive aggressive my friend. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?131418-All-I-do-now-is-killing-killing-killing&p=1050474&viewfull=1#post1050474


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And neither the forum nor the devs need you making yet another thread about what obviously is a big issue.


Now, if you had joined one of the other threads and shared actual info about your situation (computer specs, settings, situation in which the fps issues arise most sharply), then that would be helpful and worthwhile. As it is, it is clear that you just wanted to whine. Sorry not sorry for calling you out on it.


I would not call that whining. Its a huge issue for some and he is asking for it to be addressed. that is fair. He paid money for the game and wants to play the product he paid for. I agree more details would be better but a lack of details does not constitute whining

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ZombieSurvivor I know he's just being a ♥♥♥♥. I was just trying to be civil with him, but I see that's pointless.


He clearly thinks he's big ♥♥♥♥ in forums or something. Just because you spend all day on a forum, doesn't make you a mod. You start more arguments with people, then you actually help.

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Jedo I don't need a passive aggressive reply for a game breaking issue. They have limited time and resources so certain bugs will be fixed and others won't. They can't fix everything at once certain bugs take priority over others.


Sometimes you just need to realize people are trying to point you in the right direction and not looking to start a fight. As far as text communication goes, it is a proven fact that the way you hear a response in your head has more to do with your state of mind at the time you read it than what was actually written.


I think the point is this is already being covered. This isn't game breaking.


It has to do with your settings and your PC specs.. I have a Radeon RX 580 GPU and my performance increased.


Additionally, without ANY PC specs how do you think anyone will have constructive feedback? Include more details about your PC or we can't really help identify a root cause. Also, a screen of your video settings might help as well.


I would hit the thread linked previously and provide more context.

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Warmer It is game breaking! Not everyone has an expensive computer. Having FPS drop by over 50% from the past Alpha is game breaking.


Try and play 7 days to die with 20 fps and see how fun it is. I know tons of people who already before A18, won't play because of it's poor optimization.


I can run Arma 3 at 60 fps. When your game runs worse then Arma, you have a problem.

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What are your PC specs? I am using the same PC specs I have had since A16. All it has done for me is gotten better.






Provide a screenshot of your video settings.


We need more to go on if you want constructive feedback. TFP can't do anything to help if they don't know what you have.

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I would not call that whining.

I don't want to count the ways that it is whining. I'll just leave the recent post here as evidence.

Warmer It is game breaking! Not everyone has an expensive computer. Having FPS drop by over 50% from the past Alpha is game breaking.


Try and play 7 days to die with 20 fps and see how fun it is. I know tons of people who already before A18, won't play because of it's poor optimization.


I can run Arma 3 at 60 fps. When your game runs worse then Arma, you have a problem.

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ZombieSurvivor I know he's just being a ♥♥♥♥. I was just trying to be civil with him, but I see that's pointless.


He clearly thinks he's big ♥♥♥♥ in forums or something. Just because you spend all day on a forum, doesn't make you a mod. You start more arguments with people, then you actually help.


Hey man calm down dude. Do you not see I defended you? Don't come at me like that. *walks away*

And dude no reason to unsult him like that, thats not cool at all. He did not insult you, he may have been rude but he was respectful about it.


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I don't want to count the ways that it is whining. I'll just leave the recent post here as evidence.


Yeah now he is complaining lol. Before he wasn't.... Now i look like a fool for going to bat for him lol. :)

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A lot of people are getting tired of reading about it, but everyone should just pass on by if it bothers them. There are times where there is some nasty bug, and someone reports it, but it gets pushed aside even though a lot of people are affected by it because not enough people were vocal about it.


Among the huge spike in praises, the complaints over changes, and just the chit chat discussing everything new, it must be difficult to really gauge how bad an issue is. A18.0 went stable, but we can't forget that it's very unstable for quite a few people still. There really is no better reminder than people posting about it. Nobody should try to stifle that communication. However, nobody can reciprocate with helpful information if there aren't any details.

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For me the performance hit when a lot of objects are in the scene and fps drop from 50ish to less than 10. pointing the camera toward the ground temporarily restores fps.


Using 1/2 texture solves the issue. It reduces video memory usage from 3.1G to about 2.5G. Geforce970 is known to have memory issues although 3.1G has not quite hit the 3.5G mark yet. I wonder if there's a faulty memory unit on my card.

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Hey man calm down dude. Do you not see I defended you? Don't come at me like that. *walks away*

And dude no reason to unsult him like that, thats not cool at all. He did not insult you, he may have been rude but he was respectful about it.


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Yeah now he is complaining lol. Before he wasn't.... Now i look like a fool for going to bat for him lol. :)


He was actually just agreeing with you. Stop posting as soon as you wake up. :cocksure:

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Already a thread about this. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?131684-Massive-performance-hit-from-Alpha-17-4-to-Alpha-18-R5-3600-RX570


Also, do you think that they aren't working to fix it?


Don't you think it's a bit juvenile to try to be a forum bully? FTR, I do. You could have kept scrolling so it's obvious that you are the drama queen here.

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I feel your pain. Budget system with a i7 4.2 CPU, SSD, 16GB RAM, but dated GTX 950 2GB card (latest 441.12 Nvidia drivers atm, AF forced off via control panel). Cores are unparked and no overclocking. Using F1 to check for any load errors/warnings and F8 to measure fps.


SP A18.1 b6 game (unmodded) starts at 60fps, then quickly drops to around 49fps simply standing there, not moving. Click through the into quest dialogs, then hit ESC (pausing it) and continue watching the fps drop. After a minute it drops to around 21fps(still paused), then down to 5-6fps about 2 minutes later(still paused).


I have tried fiddling with every single video option in-game, but most only give a couple fps deviance one way or another to the initial fps (before the multiple drops). It is almost as if several of the in-game graphics options are not even hooked up.


The consistantly reproducable yellow warning about missing shaders is due to TFP using a dated Unity engine. Hopefully this gets addressed sooner, rather than later. Updating the engine, and working through new bugs introduced by such a large change, is always preferable to continuing to develop on an unsecure and EOL platform, with lots of already patched bugs.

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