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Holme Depot


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Looking for a place to start my Alpha 18 save and came across this POI in a few towns. It's pretty high and was fun to get to the top of it. My idea is to have this place as my normal night base. Storage on the top floor and then have a forge on the roof.


Has anyone else used this as a base or place to setup in yet? I've tried searching for it online and haven't see anyone talk about it.


Also, do you think a forge on this roof would still attract screamers?



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Getting your forges high up will help ensure random zombies don’t hear you as they’re passing by. But height has no effect on screamer spawns. I put my crafting room about 40 blocks off the ground, basically on stilts. It works well for avoiding the randoms, but with 4 forges running, I get tons of screamers. I’ve never had a random zombie detect me when I’ve been up there.

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