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Has torch heat been lowered enough to matter?


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Hehehe yea it doesn't even take that many. I was doing a t4 quest and screamers were spawning from 2 barrels in the back yard plus the heat from killing/clearing the poi etc.


I know exactly which level 4 quest you're talking about. The same thing happened to me.


I'm halfway through clearing the building and hear a screamer outside which puzzled me. I ran outside and she spawned two more screamers, a few dogs and a friggin zombie bear along with a slew of the the usual zombies. I had to drop down my junk turret and break out the AK, both of which I rarely use. I barely survived that one.


I didn't know it was the two flaming barrels that spawned the screamers. I just thought it was some kind of glitch. I'll be picking up those barrels right away if I get that quest again.

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Well I'm glad I didn't get THAT screamer horde lol. Mine was just normal zombies. It was only like D18 or so iirc.


- - - Updated - - -


LMAO... well, technically madmole was right then. 4x the torches before a screamer comes (every 25 minutes)


Yea I had to change that xml myself lol. Made the tick 60 like the candle rather than 1.

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