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Can we keep the Halloween stuff permamently?


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Topic, like when its out of season don't patch the seeds etc out of the loot list, leave em in, its nice to have more stuff to grow and I like the jackolanterns you can make for base deco. Other than the fact they don't seem to.. shed light like they should.

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We better get pumpkin pie next month...


Tell MadMole that we should be able to roast the seeds in the fire pit for a low hunger snack.


Also, add random black cats wandering around land claim block zones, jumping up on any block they can reach and howling at everything and everyone.

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They are not showing on our server the seeds or the recipes. Something I need to tell the admin they need to do or should it of automatically been put in?


I believe its only in A18(b152) so if you are playing something different, then they wont show up.

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