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Add more uses for Leather


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I'm swimming in Leather. Pigs and Deer keep dying in the WoodSpike trenches in and around my base, and I go grab their meat and their hide, but I have no use for the hide any more, since I already have multiple stacks of 64 Leather, and all the Leather Armour and Iron Armour that I could ever want. The extra added use for Leather doesn't have to be particularly powerful, in fact it shouldn't be. But let me [I]do[/I] something with it, please!
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[QUOTE=ObjectZero;122813]I'd like to seed water skins added for leather. It's be a way to carry larger amounts of water around. Ok that's all I got of the top of my head.[/QUOTE] This is a good idea, but you would have to have a way to purify riverwater inside it, or "fill it up" by putting it in the crafting grid with water bottles. I would say maybe 15-20 drinks from it, (that way it is actually more efficient inventory wise than a stack of bottles). You could also make a hydration pack of sorts, that would have even more drinks possible, and that would be equipable on the chest slot. Also, you could craft a leather sling weapon and use rocks or sharp stones as ammo (maybe not as crossbow already fills easy to craft rng weapon role). An advanced splint that heals a broken leg even faster, (due to tightly binding the leg up).
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