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Alpha 18 rocky build and thoughts.


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so I've gone with a Str and Fort build. currently crafting 1k cobble. its day 4 I'm at level 6. I got crazy lucky with loot and I have a tier 1 Aug and steel fire axe. with starter skill points and level skill points my current attribute points are level 5 fortitude with lvl 1 brawler, lvl 1 pain tolerance and lvl 3 healing factor


no joke I do take a few hits so bandages are always on me incase I bleed out. healing isn't an issue thanks to the perks, food and water aren't an issue since I've been lootin a lot and using vending machines.


I've saved 5k dukes so far from selling gun parts, some repair kits and doing a few quests which I've done a total of 4 so far.


playing difficulty is at Nomad with air drops marked and everything else is at default. game stage is currently at 12. no deaths so far after 3 hours and 15mins of play.


using fists is fun as hell. also I love that animals limbs and heads explode now. it has saved my as fighting off a wolf and a dog.


as far as FPS. It still plays smooth. I have Vsync on, most of the settings are at high except water which is at low. texture streaming is on.


loving alpha 18 so far and no issues to report.

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so I've gone with a Str and Fort build. currently crafting 1k cobble. its day 4 I'm at level 6. I got crazy lucky with loot and I have a tier 1 Aug and steel fire axe. with starter skill points and level skill points my current attribute points are level 5 fortitude with lvl 1 brawler, lvl 1 pain tolerance and lvl 3 healing factor


no joke I do take a few hits so bandages are always on me incase I bleed out. healing isn't an issue thanks to the perks, food and water aren't an issue since I've been lootin a lot and using vending machines.


I've saved 5k dukes so far from selling gun parts, some repair kits and doing a few quests which I've done a total of 4 so far.


playing difficulty is at Nomad with air drops marked and everything else is at default. game stage is currently at 12. no deaths so far after 3 hours and 15mins of play.


using fists is fun as hell. also I love that animals limbs and heads explode now. it has saved my as fighting off a wolf and a dog.


as far as FPS. It still plays smooth. I have Vsync on, most of the settings are at high except water which is at low. texture streaming is on.


loving alpha 18 so far and no issues to report.


Nice! Keep us informed of your progress!

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first death. feral cop explosion. tried to avoid a zombie bear during a quest in wasteland only to run into a feral cop. at least we both died lol. the experience debt isn't bad at least at low levels. it went away after killing a few zombies. I can't say I fear death because of it. I actually preferred the other penalty.

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did horde night. game stage was 25. had quite a few zombies. I got after they broke in since I wanted to see if a simple 5x5 cage with poles so you could Melle would work and nope it didnt. Its my fault I tried to do no repairs and well that wasn't smart lol. oh also that whole thing about zombies ignoring you is true. no more came after me but I only had about 2 in game hours left till 4am.


I was able to get a motorcycle from the trader for 20k. I will say this madmole was right. scrap guns and bow and just sell the parts from it. repair any quality 2 or higher thing you don't use and sell it. I even end up selling repair kits.


the dig for buried treasure map quests are also great for dukes. food wasn't an issue till I got food poisoning twice which ended up draining my supplies a bit.


loving this so far. day 8 starts later today

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My start was pretty rough. I knew in my head that due to various changes the early game was going to be more difficult but I still found myself approaching it like a 17.4 game. I jumped through the tutorial hoops, (loving the changes to that btw, doesn't feel like too much to do now) and then I quickly found a two story house POI that I began looting.


I didnt watch any streams as I didnt want to spoil anything for myself so I went in with my club and a stone sledgehammer and quickly found combat was significantly different. The stone sledge was so much slower than the a17 sledge that the difference in timing almost got me killed a couple of times by itself. I was also caught off guard by how much of a beating I had to give zombies with the wooden club to kill them. I actually made it to the loot room on the second floor after quite a bit of kiting and back tracking and then got cornered by zombies that came in from below and died (It turned night on me while I was exploring this house and the running zombies got me and I was also completely encumbered lol so no running away).


At this point I respawn and almost immediately die again because of zombies near me (nightime still and didnt have time to craft replacement weapons).


I then respawn in a winter biome and after realizing my mistakes I carefully clear out this smaller house I spawned near and got extremely lucky by finding both a gun safe and 4 lockpicks in this house. the first 3 lockpicks break but the forth one does the job and I now find myself with a 9mm and a double barrel shotgun. The house also gave me some ammo for each.


For the short term I have set up shop in this small house just to have a place to respawn and a place to store loot (it has a basement as well as a first and second floor but is still pretty small)


Im hoping to get a few levels in before the first blood moon horde to help with survivability. I want to try out the INT build as the turret and stun baton both sound pretty interesting to me but I may decide to go into STR or AGI considering I got a pistol and shotgun from the safe. The only thing I know for sure is I can't wait to get some more playtime in.

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about to start day 14 horde. game stage is 55. playing on nomad difficulty. 2 deaths so far. 1 from feral cop explosion during a wasteland quest and 2nd from day 7 horde for testing out old strats and not repairing lol. better prepared this time with concrete. hope this goes well. also I'm on 60 min days. be back once it's over.

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ridiculously easy. went from level 28 to 32 using a few learning elixir to level faster. definitely had to repair some of the poles in between the sets of horde but it went really easy. spikes, about 500 rounds of 7.62 ammo and some fist of the north star action. no irradiated zombies, no cops, no bikers either. I did get some spider zombies though. maybe for day 21 it will really ramp up?


also when I start day 14 horde I was level 28 with fortitude at level 10, healing factor at 4, pain tolerance at 5, brawler at 5 and machine gunner at 1. as the horde night went on and I level I kept putting 1 additional point into machine gunner to kill the zombies faster. so now it's currently at machine gunner 3. going to work on the strength tree now for mother lode, miner 69er and sexy rexy.


I feel I got crazy lucky with the seed and loot. once I get to and finish day 49 I will try another play through with the same strats and see just how much the loot and seed helped.

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Awesome stories guys. I'm still on Day 3, doing a perception build (jav spec and probably penetrator down the line), currently using a small POI rooftop as a temp. Base.


Cleared a few small POIs and have gotten pretty lucky with reinforced chests so far. Junk turret has been clutch several times. The 1st POI I entered had a dog in it which caught me off guard but overcame it without injuries.


Started working on looting a large apartment building (the one with the underground parking lot) but may head out to trader soon for some quest action.


Default difficulty.

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Aside from the poor performance issues which got fixed by disabling some graphic settings so was it nice.

At day 7 so did I already have a AK with 200+ bullets and a pistol with 300+ bullets. I gotta say that acquiring guns got a lot easier now. The only miscalculation I did for the horde night was to assume that zombies homed in for doors so the old tower strategy needs to be revised.

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Started the game and decided to delve into AGILITY. Spawned in forest, nearby city and trader just next to it, with a working workbench, forge and cement mixer. As glorious as it sounds, he didn't have any vending machines, no food in his wares, as well as nothing really that much useful. Found a nearby POI of 6 trailer houses and decided to remake them into a defense outpost for the Horde. So imagine, in between exploration i managed to:

- cleared all the grass on the vicinity

- destroyed all small fences, cleared all the trash and any objects that stood in the path

- set up ways to jump between trailers (wooden bridges, the funniest being one supported on a ruined car)

- cut down any trees that were close enough to not obscure the view

- dug up trenches for wooden spikes around the trailers (didn't have time for the final one, but 5 got it)

- put up torches all around (will make more for the 14th HN)

- dismantled anything that i could with a wrench (too bad if Zs destroyed that precious loot lol)


The exploration consisted of raiding a couple houses (non of which were Dungeon POIs!, where like 2 i suspected they were), some ruined buildings (the ones with lacking one side where it collapsed and you go up through a stairway and rubble is at ground level), but also an army base (walls with barbed wire on top, 2 watch towers up front, medical tent and a 4 bricked buildings among them mess hall, barracks, trucks garage and hq central). The most noteworthy find was a T3 pistol (Agility for the win!), a T3 Hunting Knife (shortly before HN) and a chem station recipe (the station i lack at the trader).


Horde came and went. It was surprisingly short, as the last zombies went down around 23:05. Considering many died on the spikes below me, some being shot from a bow and the rest from my lovely pistol (Gunslinger 2, +10% damage from a book, 2 AGI + 1 from Ski Goggles), i didn't do much. I definitely was over prepared with lots of spikes, some coffee, 2 medkits, over 300 bullets (found it all) and a backup Junk Turret T2.


It was so much fun that i can't wait for the second HN :D I'll definitely have more to fight with and have better skills.

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currently at the point where I'm having to set up mines to farm up resources to prepare for day 21 horde. took forever to find a desert biome for shale. seems my rwg has a huge amount of forest, burnt and wasteland with a small area of desert. thankfully while exploring for the desert I found a few potassium nodes and coal nodes so now the only thing to do is mine like crazy then start looking for brass. also I've only found 1 trader so far and that's from the starting quest. maybe after day 21 I will go trader hunting.

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day 21 horde done. going to have to bump max alive to 16 it was ridiculous how easy it was even on nomad. I got a tier 4 aug from a trader quest. used like maybe 600 rounds of ammo for day 21 just placed a row of barb wire to slow them down and head shot like crazy. I had a bunch of wooden spikes also. also tier 3 quests are a cake walk.


my build right now is fortitude 10, brawler 5, pain tolerance 5, healing factor 5, machine gunner 5, strength 5 and mother lode 4. I will stream it my playing tonight at like 11pm eastern on twitch.


I did die during a tier 3 quest because of over confidence, ran into a room with about 8 or 9 ferals. killed all but 1 and that last guy got me lol. I will probably start bringing bandages with me to stop bleeding.


I will probably go back to quest's and looting tonight till day 25 and yes I do quests and looting at night.

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