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The new shotgun...


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... doesn't really look good at all compared to plain'ol regular one.

Especially being "top tier" weapon. Reloads so slow and double tap doesn't really save it, so what does it have going for it?

It certainly doesn't have any appeal, contrary to... I don't know... M60?


Unless modded up it just blows off irradiated in 1-2 shots, I don't see it as a good weapon at all.

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... doesn't really look good at all compared to plain'ol regular one.

Especially being "top tier" weapon. Reloads so slow and double tap doesn't really save it, so what does it have going for it?

It certainly doesn't have any appeal, contrary to... I don't know... M60?


Unless modded up it just blows off irradiated in 1-2 shots, I don't see it as a good weapon at all.


I think the pump shotty is the new top tier weapon now and the double barrel took its place.

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The double barrel seems to pack a nice punch. I saw one of the streamers creeping up on zombies and getting massive sneak dmg attacks. So satisfying.


Shotgun(the one we have now) packs comparable punch to that of magnum, which means if you'll sneak up on someting, its dead unless its really tanky boi.


And yeah, what genji wrote makes a lot of sense, its boring, but makes sense, especially considering drop rates across streams I've seen.

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